Eerika Finell
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 308 0368
As a sociopsychologist, I am interested in intragroup processes and how these processes shape people’s experience, their well-being, attitudes, and intergroup relations. I analyse these issues in two fields: i) multicultural contexts and national identity, and ii) environmental threats. My research is characterised by an interest in studying these phenomena in contexts that may appear banal at a first glance (mothers’ intergroup contacts with other mothers in playgrounds, small everyday memories associated with national symbols, children’s experiences in mouldy school buildings). The analyses of these kinds of slow moving and everyday phenomena may play a pivotal role in the development of many sociopsychological approaches and fields and they have high practical meaning.
Research groups
Podcast: Perceived environmental threats and group processes
The lecture on perceived environmental threats and group processes. It focuses on the psychosocial consequences of indoor environmental problems. The link to the video is here.
The lecture was held during EASP Summer School 2022 organized by SWPS University, Faculty of Psychology in Wroclaw, European Association of Social Psychology and Social Behavior Research Center.
2 itemsPublications
22/22 items-
Coping, perceived environmental exposure control and mental distress in persons with symptoms attributed to environmental factors in a general population survey
Nordin, Steven; Finell, Eerika; Nordin, Maria. 2024. Cogent psychology. 11: . 2424613 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Frames of agency in a school with poor indoor-air quality: A longitudinal composite narrative study
Finell, Eerika; Pyysiäinen, Jarkko; Walden, Aino. 2024. Health and place. 88: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Sosiaalipsykologia on suhteellista
Finell, Eerika. 2024. Suhteellista: Itä-Suomen yliopiston sosiaalipsykologian oppiaineen blogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Ulkomaalais- ja suomalaistaustaisten pienten lasten äitien väliset kohtaamiset omalla asuinalueella
Finell, Eerika; Paajanen, Paula; Riikonen, Reetta. Teoksessa: Renvik, Tuuli Anna; Säävälä, Minna(toim.) , 2024. Kotoutumisen kokonaiskatsaus 2023: Näkökulmana väestösuhteet. s. 175-185. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö B2 Book section -
How student perceptions of stuffy air and unpleasant odour are associated with students’ well-being: Cross-level interaction effects of school climate
Finell, Eerika; Tolvanen, Asko; Claeson, Anna-Sara; Helenius, Jenni. 2023. Journal of environmental psychology. 2024; 93: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees: Different labels for immigrants influence attitudes through perceived benefits in nine countries
Graf, Sylvie; Rubin, Mark; Assilamehou-Kunz, Yvette; Bianchi, Mauro; Carnaghi, Andrea; Fasoli, Fabio; Finell, Eerika; Gustafsson Sendén, Marie; Shamloo, Soraya Elizabeth; Tocik, Jaroslav; Lacko, David; Sczesny, Sabine. 2023. European journal of social psychology. 53: 970-983 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Oiva- ja Smiley-raporttien vaikutukset kuluttajiin Suomessa ja Tanskassa
Vainio, Annukka; Ollila, Sari; Kaskela, Jenni; Finell, Eerika; Lundén, Janne. 2023. Elintarvike ja Terveys. 37: 32-37 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Principals' environmental suffering in schools with poor indoor-air quality
Finell, Eerika; Walden, Aino. 2023. Environmental hazards. 2024; 23: 130-149 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The identification environment matters: Students' social identification, perceived physical school environment, and anxiety – A cross‐level interaction model
Finell, Eerika; Tolvanen, Asko; Shuttleworth, Ian; Durrheim, Kevin; Vuorenmaa, Maaret. 2023. British journal of social psychology. 2024; 63: 429-452 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The more diverse the better: Identifying with a diverse neighbourhood mother community predicts greater intergroup contact
Riikonen, Reetta; Finell, Eerika; Seppälä, Tuija; Stevenson, Clifford. 2023. Journal of community and applied social psychology. 2024; 34: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research