Henriikka Juntunen
Doctoral Researcher
School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 326 9356
My research interests focus on students’ achievement motivation and well-being outcomes. Specifically, my PhD project explores the diverse patterns of university students’ motivation (expectancy-value-cost), their development over time, how the different patterns contribute to students’ well-being, and the role students’ study-related experiences play in these relationships.
Research groups
Find the most recent publications below. Information on my pre-UEF publications and research activities can be found here.
- Tuominen, H., Hirvonen, R., Juntunen, H., Viljaranta, J., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). Tavoitteet ja huolet pandemian aikana: Perfektionistiset taipumukset opiskelustressin ja siitä selviämisen selittäjänä [Strivings and concerns during the pandemic: Perfectionistic tendencies as predictors of study stress and coping]. Kasvatus [The Finnish Journal of Education], 54, 5–22. https://doi.org/10.33348/kvt.130129
- Tuominen, H., Pikkarainen, P., Hirvonen, R., Juntunen, H., Viljaranta, J., & Niemivirta, M. (2022). Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden motivaatioprofiilit koronapandemian aikana ja toiveet opetuksen toteuttamisesta jatkossa. Kasvatus [The Finnish Journal of Education], 53(5), 547–552. https://doi.org/10.33348/kvt.122723
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Viljaranta, J., Hirvonen, R., Toom. A., & Niemivirta, M. (2022). Feeling exhausted and isolated? The connections between university students’ remote teaching and learning experiences, motivation, and psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 42(10), 1241–1262. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2022.2135686
- Tuominen, H., Juntunen, H., & Niemivirta, M. (2020). Striving for success but at what cost? Subject-specific achievement goal orientation profiles, perceived cost, and academic well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 557445. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.557445
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Hirvonen, R., Viljaranta, J., Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). University students’ motivational profiles, their stability, and connections with perfectionism and well-being: Latent transition approach. Preprint in PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/459n6
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Niemivirta, M., Viljaranta, J., Malmberg, L-E., Toom, A., Vasalampi, K., & Räikkönen, E., (2024). University Students’ Situational Motivation, Effort, and Statistics Anxiety. Paper presented at the FERA Conference, 22-23 November, Turku, Finland.
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Niemivirta, M., Viljaranta, J., Malmberg, L-E., Toom, A., & Räikkönen, E., (2024). University Students’ Situational Motivation over a Statistics Course and Relations to Effort and Anxiety. Paper presented at the ICM Conference, 28-30 August, Bern, Switzerland.
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Niemivirta, M., Viljaranta, J., Malmberg, L-E., Toom, A., & Räikkönen, E., (2024). University Students’ Situational Motivation over a Statistics Course and Relations to Effort and Anxiety. Paper presented at the OPPIVA Conference, 4-5 June, Joensuu, Finland.
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Hirvonen, R., Viljaranta, J., & Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M., (2023). Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden motivaatioprofiilien pysyvyys ja yhteydet perfektionismiin ja hyvinvointiin [Stability and change of motivational profiles, the predictive role of perfectionism, and links to well-being]. Paper presented at the FERA Conference on Education, 23-24 November, Vaasa, Finland.
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Hirvonen, R., Viljaranta, J., & Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M., (2023). Stability and change of motivational profiles, the predictive role of perfectionism, and links to well-being. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, 22-26 August, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Viljaranta, J., Hirvonen, R., Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M., (2022). University students’ motivational profiles during the pandemic: stability and links to well-being. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Motivation (ICM), 24-26 August, Dresden, Germany.
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M., (2022). University students’ motivation and emotions: connections, stability, and change during a semester. Paper presented the 26th Conference of the JUnior REsearchers of EARLI, 18-22 July, Porto, Portugal.
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Viljaranta, J., Hirvonen, R., Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M., (2021). Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden motivaatio, etäopetuskokemukset ja hyvinvointi COVID-pandemian aikana [University students’ remote teaching experiences, motivation and well-being during Covid-19 pandemic] Paper presented at the FERA Conference on Education, 25-26 November. (Conference online).
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Viljaranta, J., Hirvonen, R., Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M., (2021). University students’ remote teaching experiences, motivation and well-being during Covid-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the 25th Conference of the JUnior REsearchers of EARLI, 18-20 August. (Conference online)
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Niemivirta, M., Ihantola, P., & Hellas, A. (2020). Kiinnostuen merkityksellisyyttä vai sinnitellen hyötyä? – Opiskelijoiden oppiainearvostusprofiilit ja tavoiteorientaatiot ohjelmoinnin MOOC-kurssilla [Students’ task value profiles and goal orientations in a programming MOOC]. Paper presented at the FERA Conference on Education, 15-16 December. (Conference online)
- Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., & Niemivirta, M. (2019). Students’ domain-specific goal orientation profiles, perceived cost, and academic wellbeing. Paper presented at the 23rd Conference of the JUnior REsearchers of EARLI, 10-11 August, Aachen, Germany.