Ida Parkkinen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Innovation Management
Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 513 4626
I use narrative methods to study prospective sensemaking as a leadership practice in circular economy implementation in order to enhance understanding of micro-level transition processes and drive stakeholder engagement in systems thinking for desired sustainable futures.
My postdoctoral research paves the way for a novel research agenda on sustainability leadership. The complexity and unpredictability of sustainability transformation trajectories require new leadership competencies to guide public and private organizations in envisioning desired futures and enduring ongoing change.
I am experienced in qualitative research, particularly data-driven qualitative research and interpretive methods of analysis.
I contribute my expertise to accelerate circular economy research in Sustainable Innovation Lab and Research Center for Sustainable Circular Economy (UEF CECE).
Research groups
Innovation Management (INNO) 24.10.2017 -
Sustainable Innovation Lab 01.08.2022 -
Research Center for Sustainable Circular Economy 01.08.2021 -
9/9 items-
Arvostava älykkyys sosiaalisen kestävyyden edistämiseksi työpaikoilla
Leppälä, Kristina; Parkkinen, Ida; Lehtimäki, Hanna. 2024. Neonataalihoitaja. 31: 19-21 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Finnish Peat Industry Entrepreneur Perceptions of Their Industry’s Gradual Termination
Kristina Leppälä, Juha Kinnunen, Ida Parkkinen, Hanna Lehtimäki. 2024. abstract -
Innovation embedded in a storytelling system: An antenarrative construction of multistakeholder innovation
Parkkinen, Ida. 2024. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in social sciences and business studies G4 Doctoral dissertation (monograph) -
Monisidosryhmäinnovaatio syntyy tulevaisuuden tulkinnoissa ja arvo-odotuksissa
Parkkinen, Ida. 2024. Hallinnon tutkimus. 43: 255-258 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Stories about sustainability leadership: Reframing as an emerging leadership practice
Parkkinen, Ida; Leppälä, Kristina; Lehtimäki, Hanna. 2024. abstract -
Prospecting the Past for the Future: Storytelling in Making an Emerging Innovative Business Domain
Parkkinen, Ida A; Lehtimäki, Hanna P; Helén, Ilpo A. Teoksessa: Mills, Albert J; Deal, Nicholous(toim.) , 2023. A World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Storytelling Set 1 (In 5 Volumes): Corporate and Business Strategies of Business Storytelling: Volume 2: History and Business Storytelling. s. 241-270. World scientific A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
The Networked Commercialization of Innovation: Case IT Company in an Emerging Market
Parkkinen, Ida; Lehtimäki, Hanna. Teoksessa: Dey, Ajoy Kumar; Lehtimäki, Hanna(toim.) , 2019. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. s. 208-216. Bloomsbury Publishing India A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Appreciative Intelligence® in Change Management
Parkkinen, Ida, Lehtimäki, Hanna, & Thatchenkery, Tojo. Teoksessa: G. D. Sardana & T. Thatchenkery(toim.) , 2015. Leveraging Human Factors for Strategic Change: An Organizational Culture Perspective. s. 3-13. Bloomsbury Publishing India A4 Conference proceedings -
Leveraging Appreciative Intelligence® for enhancing organisational change
Parkkinen Ida, Lehtimäki Hanna, Thatchenkery Tojo. 2015. International journal of human resources development and management. 15: 101-114 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research