Kaisa Junninen
Visiting Researcher
School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
23/23 items-
Fungal communities decline with urbanization-more in air than in soil
Abrego, Nerea; Crosier, Brittni; Somervuo, Panu; Ivanova, Natalia; Abrahamyan, Arusyak; Abdi, Amir; Hämäläinen, Karoliina; Junninen, Kaisa; Maunula, Minna; Purhonen, Jenna; Ovaskainen, Otso. 2020. Isme journal. 14: 2806-2815 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Managing conservation values of protected sites: How to maintain deciduous trees in white-backed woodpecker territories
Hämäläinen, Karoliina; Junninen, Kaisa; Halme, Panu; Kouki, Jari. 2020. Forest ecology and management. 461: 117946 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ten principles for conservation translocations of threatened wood-inhabiting fungi
Nordén, J; Abrego, N; Boddy, L; Bässler, C; Dahlberg, A; Halme, P; Hällfors, M; Maurice, S; Menkis, A; Miettinen, O; Mäkipää, R; Ovaskainen, O; Penttilä, R; Saine, S; Snäll, T; Junninen, K. 2020. Fungal ecology. 44: 100919 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Impacts of dead wood manipulation on the biodiversity of temperate and boreal forests. A systematic review
Sandström, Jennie; Bernes, Claes; Junninen, Kaisa; Lõhmus, Asko; Macdonald, Ellen; Müller, Jörg; Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar. 2019. Journal of applied ecology. 56: 1770-1781 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Manipulating ungulate herbivory in temperate and boreal forests: effects on vegetation and invertebrates. A systematic review
Bernes, Claes; Macura, Biljana; Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar; Junninen, Kaisa; Mueller, Jörg; Sandström, Jennie; Lohmus, Asko; Macdonald, Ellen. 2018. Environmental evidence. 7: 13 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
What are the impacts of manipulating grazing and browsing by ungulates on plants and invertebrates in temperate and boreal forests? A systematic review protocol
Bernes C, Jonsson BG, Junninen K, Lõhmus A, Macdonald E, Müller J, Sandström, J. 2016. Environmental evidence. 5: 17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Conservation ecology of boreal polypores: a review
Junninen Kaisa, Komonen Atte. 2011. Biological conservation. 144: 11-20 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Metsien ennallistamisen ja luonnonhoidon opas
Junninen Kaisa, Similä Maarit (toim.). 2011. Metsähallituksen luonnonsuojelujulkaisuja, Sarja B. . Metsähallitus D6 Edited professional book -
Lakeside riparian forests support diversity of wood fungi in managed boreal forests
Komonen Atte;Niemi Mari;Junninen Kaisa. 2008. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere. 38: 2650-2659 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Fallen retention aspen trees on clear-cuts can be important habitats for red-listed polypores: a case study in Finland
Junninen Kaisa;Penttilä Reijo;Martikainen Petri. 2007. Biodiversity and conservation. 16: 475-490 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research