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Kaisa K. Vainio

Kaisa K. Vainio

Visiting Researcher

Visiting Researcher

PhD. student in the Department of Forest Sciences MA in Cultural Anthropology

School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

[email protected] | +358 50 478 0465

I am a cultural anthropologist and forest relationship researcher specializing in multidisciplinary environmental studies, qualitative methods, research interviews, and sensory ethnography.

My dissertation  “Favorite Trees: A Perspective on Inter-Species Friendship in the Diversity of Tree Relationships”, examines individual’s’ attachment to favourite trees and cultural relationships with trees, focusing on perspectives such as multi-speciesism, nature connections, ownership, memories, sensory experiences, tree care, over-generationalism, nature-related spirituality, and the Finnish relationship with forests. This research is part of the Kone Foundation-funded project, Trees Near Us.

I am interested in the values and emotions related to nature, the relationship of northern peoples, Arctic issues, and human-environment coexistence.

I work full-time in the Department of Geography at the University of Turku on the MUST project, focusing on the coexistence of people and nature. 

Research Themes

  • Cultural Environmental Studies
  • Multispecies Transition
  • Human-nature relationships.
  • Cultural forest research
  • Plant studies
  • Research in Russia and Eastern Europe
  • Fieldwork in Finland, Arctic Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Other Skills:

  • Science Communication & Media
  • Storytelling & Performance
  • Interactive Stories and LARP
  • Event planning and coordination
  • Museum Work and Exhibit Design


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