Lasse Eronen
University Lecturer
Mathematics pedagogy, PhD
School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 572 8068
Title of Docent (Research in mathematics education)
I am Lasse Eronen, a Finnish researcher in mathematics education, with a wide range of studies, particularly focused on innovative learning environments, motivation, and sustainable development. My research has targeted various educational levels, ranging from primary school to university level. I am particularly interested in how the design of learning environments and teaching methods can impact students’ motivation and well-being. My research interests also include digitalization in mathematics education, and taking into account students’ emotions and opinions in mathematics teaching. I have researched, for example, the emotional reactions activated by mathematical problem-solving and how to facilitate these in teaching. (ChatGPT, based on 2020-2022 published articles)
Excellent Teaching Practitioner Award
Lasse Eronen: Eronen has years of experience in research-based development of teaching both in collaboration with his closest colleagues and across faculty boundaries. Eronen uses learning analytics to develop his teaching, and he has been in charge of developing self-assessment on the Arviointimaa (Reflection Landscape) platform. Besides utilising student feedback, he also involves students through Master’s theses dealing with the development of teaching. Research-based activities and sharing of practices are highlighted in Eronen’s teaching, and they also constitute part of transferable skills development. (UEF, 2023 Excellent Teaching Practitioner Award statement)
Research groups
Developmental evaluation 01.01.2005 -
Matlok 01.09.2018 -
Escape game pedagogy - Sm4rt LOC 01.01.2020 -
STEAM, Multidisciplinary Craft Teaching and Learn… 01.02.2022 -
62/64 items-
Combined conceptualisations of metacognitive knowledge to understand students’ mathematical problem-solving
Toikka, Susanna; Eronen, Lasse; Atjonen, Päivi; Havu-Nuutinen, Sari. 2024. Cogent education. 11: . 2357901 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Editorial: Mathematical thinking, practices, and processes in non-formal learning environments
Williams-Pierce, Caro; Simpson, Amber; Eronen, Lasse. 2024. Frontiers in education. 9: . 1498414 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
The affordances of mathematical tasks in a learning management system
Heiskanen, Henri; Eronen, Lasse; Eskelinen, Pasi; Hirsto, Laura. 2024. Electronic journal of mathematics and technology. 18: 1-11 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Konseptuaalinen ja proseduraalinen tieto sekä luova päättely lukion matematiikan ensimmäisen opintojakson harjoitustehtävissä
Kettunen, Juho; Eronen, Lasse; Viholainen, Antti. 2022. FMSERA Journal. 5: 3-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden motivaation yhteys matematiikan tehtävien suorittamiseen ViLLE-oppimisympäristössä
Eronen, Lasse; Eskelinen, Pasi; Heiskanen, Henri; Juvonen, Antti; Väisänen, Pertti. 2022. LUMAT. 10: 319–342 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Matemaattisen ongelmanratkaisun aktivoimat tunnereflektiot ja niiden fasilitointi alkuopetuksessa
Toikka, Susanna; Eronen, Lasse; Atjonen, Päivi; Havu-Nuutinen, Sari. 2022. Kasvatus. 53: 335-349 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Matematiikan oppiainejärjestysprofiilin yhteys motivaatioon ja tehtävien suorittamiseen autonomisessa oppimisympäristössä
Pasi Eskelinen; Lasse Eronen; Henri Heiskanen; Antti Juvonen; Pertti Väisänen. 2022. FMSERA Journal. 5: 31-45 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Neljäsluokkalaisen ongelmanratkaisutilanteen reflektio kirjallisena ja puhuttuna itsearviointina
Toikka, Susanna; Eronen, Lasse; Korpela, Aleksi. 2022. FMSERA Journal. 5: 76-92 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Opiskelun joustavuuden lisääminen matematiikan yliopisto-opintojen taitekohdassa
Eronen Lasse; Heittokangas Janne. 2022. FMSERA Journal. 5: 61-75 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Perusopetuksen opettajat ruokakasvattajina - kohti kestävää ruokakäyttäytymistä edistäviä opetus- menetelmiä
Pollari, Milja; Hokkanen, Johanna; Eronen, Lasse; Reijonen, Helen; Murphy, Jamie; Autio, Minna; Elorine, Anna-Liisa. 2022. Ainedidaktiikka. 2021; 5: 5-27 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research