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Lauri  Thurén

Lauri Thurén


Professor of Biblical Studies since 2001. PhD (theology). Specialized in parables and rhetoric.

School of Theology, Philosophical Faculty

[email protected] | +358 50 591 0991

Lauri Thurén, born 1961. PhD (theology) 1990 Åbo Akademi, docent 1994 University of Joensuu; 1995 Åbo Akademi University. Studies: Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku, Uppsala Universitet (Sweden), Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, USA). Fulbright-grantee 1987-88. Lecturer in classical languages and biblical studies 2000-2001, professor of Biblical Studies 2002-; project leader in Centre of Excellence, Academy of Finland, 1997-2003. Dean, Faculty of Theology 2003-2009; Philosophical Faculty 2008. Project Parables as Persuasive Devices (RCF, UEF) 2020-2024. Head of FILOTO doctoral programme.

Research interests: Parables of Jesus as argumentation (project: Parables as Persuasive Narratives). Pauline Theology, Catholic epistles, rhetoric, narratology, epistolography, argumentation analysis.

Some academic monographs:

  • The Rhetorical Strategy of 1 Peter with Special Regard to Ambiguous Expressions, dissertation, Åbo: Åbo Academy Press 1990.
  • Argument and Theology in 1 Peter – The Origins of Christian Paraenesis, JSNTSS 114, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press 1995.
  • Derhetorizing Paul – A Dynamic Perspective on Pauline Theology and the Law, WUNT I:124, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2000, reprinted: Harrisburg: Trinity Press 2002.
  • Parables Unplugged – Reading the Lukan Parables in Their Rhetorical Context, Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2014.
  • Kameli neulansilmästä – Jeesuksen vertaukset puhtaalta pöydältä, Helsinki: Kirjapaja 2015.
  • Rhetoric and Scripture – Collected Essays of Thomas H. Olbricht, Emory Studies of Christianity 23, ed. Lauri Thurén, Atlanta: SBL Press 2021.




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