Olavi Airaksinen
Professor of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in UEF (Physiatrics). MD PhD, Chairman and Cli...
Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
My main research areas are low back pain, electromyography, pain and sports medicine. On these fields I have supervised 25 PhD students and more will be coming.
I have published up to now 185 Original articles (published or accepted for publication) in peer reviewed indexed International Journals, over 50 other articles, two review articles in International Journals an eight review articles in Finnish Journals, over 30 chapters of books and 58 other publications and over 200 communications in International Medical Congresses concerning of the following topics: pain management, treatment of oedema, diagnostics and treatment of low back pain, diagnostics and treatment of sports injuries and the use of surface EMG as measurement of muscle fatigue and muscular activity.
One of my biggest research projects is collaboration with the WOMEN-UP – EU Horizon 2020 funded development and research project with Catalonian University (Barcelona) and Amsterdam Medical Center (2014-2019). Other productive projects was in the beginning of millennium (1999-2006) COST B 13 – Clinical Practice Guidelines for Low Back Pain. On the field of analysing the EMG signal I have been collaborating with project of “Parkinson EMG” funded several times by Finnish Technology foundation and Finnish Science Academy.
Research groups
19/19 items-
Acute injuries in male elite ice hockey players. A prospective cohort study
Hirvelä, Jussi; Tuominen, Markku; Airaksinen, Olavi; Hänninen, Timo; Lindblad, Niklas; Ryhänen, Hilkka; Tikanto, Jukka; Parkkari, Jari. 2024. JSAMS plus. 4: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the Finnish version of the pain catastrophizing scale in chronic low back pain
Mikkonen, Jani; Leinonen, Ville; Lähdeoja, Tuomas; Holopainen, Riikka; Ekström, Kristian; Koho, Petteri; Airaksinen, Olavi; Luciano, Juan V; Navarrete, Jaime; Neblett, Randy. 2024. Scandinavian journal of pain. 24: . 20240034 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Identical movement control exercises with and without synchronized breathing for chronic non-specific low back pain:A randomized pilot trial
Mikkonen, Jani; Luomajoki, Hannu; Airaksinen, Olavi; Goubert, Liesbet; Pratscher, Steven; Leinonen, Ville. 2024. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 37: 1561-1571 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Neuropathic Pain Medication and Antidepressant Use after Disability Pension in Patients with Spinal Cord Stimulation for Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome
Kaijankoski, Hanna; Nissen, Mette; Ikäheimo, Tiina-Mari; von und zu Fraunberg, Mikael; Airaksinen, Olavi; Huttunen, Jukka. 2024. Pain research & management. 2024: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Protocol of identical exercise programs with and without specific breathing techniques for the treatment of chronic non-specific low back pain: randomized feasibility trial with two-month follow-up
Mikkonen, Jani; Luomajoki, Hannu; Airaksinen, Olavi; Goubert, Liesbet; Leinonen, Ville. 2023. Bmc musculoskeletal disorders. 24: . 354 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
To what degree patient-reported symptoms of central sensitization, kinesiophobia, disability, sleep, and life quality associated with 24-h heart rate variability and actigraphy measurements?
Mikkonen, Jani; Kupari; Saana; Tarvainen, Mika; Neblett, Randy; Airaksinen, Olavi; Luomajoki, Hannu; Leinonen, Ville. 2023. Pain practice. 2024; 24: 609-619 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Disability Pension Did Not Reduce Opioid Use Among Patients With Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Who Were Trialed and Implanted for Spinal Cord Stimulation
Kaijankoski, Hanna; Nissen, Mette; Pesonen, Janne; Ikäheimo, Tiina-Mari; von und zu Fraunberg, Mikael; Airaksinen, Olavi; Huttunen, Jukka. 2022. Pain physician. 25: E739-E748 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Postural sway does not differentiate individuals with chronic low back pain, single and multisite chronic musculoskeletal pain, or pain-free controls: a cross-sectional study of 229 subjects
Mikkonen, Jani; Leinonen, Ville; Kaski, Diego; Hartvigsen, Jan; Luomajoki, Hannu; Selander, Tuomas; Airaksinen, Olavi. 2022. Spine journal. 22: 1523-1534 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Retention of tissue texture change after cervical muscle energy and high velocity low amplitude intervention: Implications for treatment intervals
Barnes, Precious L; Casella, Frank J; Lai, Hilda; Airaksinen, Olavi; Kuchera, Michael L. 2022. Journal of osteopathic medicine. 122: 203-209 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Treatment of Sciatica and Lumbar Radiculopathy with an Intervertebral Foramen Opening Protocol: Pilot Study in a Hospital Emergency and In-patient Setting
Shacklock, Michael; Rade, Marinko; Poznic, Siniša; Marčinko, Anita; Fredericson, Michael; Kröger, Heikki; Kankaanpää, Markku; Airaksinen, Olavi. 2022. Physiotherapy theory and practice. [Published online: 06 Mar 2022]: 1-11 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research