Tiina Rättilä
Project Researcher
Researcher and project manager in HIWE project (2022-2024)
Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
tiina.rattila@uef.fi | +358 50 529 6385
As a political researcher, my research interests since the 1990s have included democracy, civic activism, political participation, publicity and, broadly speaking, critical social theory. In the ALL-YOUTH project (Strategic Research Council 2018-2023), I have studied young people’s societal participation, especially from the perspective of sustainable well-being. In the HIWE project (Business Finland 2022-2024), I examine international talents’ relationship to Finnish working life and society more generally. All my research interests are united by an interest in whether different people and groups feel their voice to be heard in society, and what is their experience of being able to influence decision making in issues that concern their lives. I am also interested in developing and experimenting with new research and teaching methods.
Research groups
Innovation Management (INNO) 24.10.2017 -
NOVA Neuro-innovation and impact research team 01.02.2019 -
14/14 items-
Enhancing internationals’ recruitment – but how?
Rättilä, Tiina; Parkkari, Piritta; Aaltonen, Satu; Elkina, Anna; Pukkinen, Tommi; Aaltonen, Oskar. 2024. HIWE – High-skilled internationals: bottom-up insights into policy innovation for work and entrepreneurship in Finland: blog. : . -
Co-constructing knowledge of young refugees’ lives in Finland: Epistemological notes
Rättilä, Tiina; Hokkanen, Minna; Sillanpää, Olli. Teoksessa: Honkatukia, Päivi; Rättilä, Tiina(toim.) , 2023. Young People as Agents of Sustainable Society: Reclaiming the Future. s. 177-191. Routledge -
Honkatukia, Päivi; Rättilä, Tiina. Teoksessa: Honkatukia, Päivi; Rättilä, Tiina(toim.) , 2023. Young people as agents of sustainable society : Reclaiming the future. s. 223-233. Routledge -
Experimenting with youth-centred e-participation : The case of the Virtual Council
Varsaluoma, Jari; Pietilä, Ilkka; Väänänen, Kaisa; Rättilä, Tiina. Teoksessa: Honkatukia, Päivi; Rättilä, Tiina(toim.) , 2023. Young people as agents of sustainable society : Reclaiming the future. s. 59-74. Routledge -
Honkatukia, Päivi; Rättilä, Tiina. Teoksessa: Honkatukia, Päivi; Rättilä, Tiina(toim.) , 2023. Young people as agents of sustainable society : Reclaiming the future. s. 1-38. Routledge -
Kanssatutkimus demokraattisena osallistumisena ja osallisuuden kokemuksena
Rättilä, Tiina; Eriksson, Päivi; Bettin, Caterina; Honkatukia, Päivi . Teoksessa: Kulmala, Meri; Spišák, Sanna; Venäläinen, Satu (toim.) , 2023. Kanssatutkimus : Ihanteet ja käytännöt . s. 47-69. Tampere University Press -
Listening to the life stories of international talents – a researcher’s perspective
Rättilä, Tiina. 2023. HIWE – High-skilled internationals: bottom-up insights into policy innovation for work and entrepreneurship in Finland: blog. : . -
Mitä on kanssatutkimus?
Kulmala, Meri; Spišák, Sanna; Venäläinen, Satu; Laiho, Marjukka; Hakala, Katariina; Rättilä, Tiina. Teoksessa: Kulmala, Meri; Spišák, Sanna; Venäläinen, Satu(toim.) , 2023. Kanssatutkimus : Ihanteet ja käytännöt. s. 11-31. Tampere University Press -
Nuorten hyvinvointia voitaisiin tukea kestävällä tavalla
Honkatukia, Päivi; Rättilä, Tiina. 2023. Helsingin Sanomat. : A5 -
Oppivelvollisuuden laajentaminen on lisännyt ongelmia toisen asteen opiskelijoiden ja opettajien arjessa – tukea tarvitaan lisää, mutta resurssit puuttuvat
Tuikkanen, Ariela; Ågren, Susanna; Rättilä, Tiina; Hakala Katariina. 2023. ALL YOUTH -blogi. : .