Reetta Riikonen
Grant-funded Researcher
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 478 7331
I am a doctoral researcher in the field of social psychology in the MAMANET project, where I study Finnish majority and immigrant mothers’ intergroup contacts and outgroup attitudes in multiethnic neighbourhoods in Helsinki. The project focuses on mothers of small children. The MAMANET project has found that there are only few encounters between Finnish majority mothers and immigrant mothers in neighbourhoods. In my mixed-method dissertation, I explore the factors influencing this situation and how motherhood as a common ingroup identity can support the development of positive intergroup contact and positive outgroup attitudes in neighbourhoods. The results shed light on how to support the development of positive contacts between mothers which may also support mothers’ wellbeing, inclusion and integration in the Finnish society. I am a doctoral student in the doctoral program in Social and Cultural Encounters (SCE). My dissertation is funded by the Kone Foundation, the Alli Paasikivi Foundation and the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s North Savo Regional Fund.
After the completion of my dissertation, I will start working as a post doctoral researcher in the FriendMUM project in summer 2025. The project focuses on intercultural friendships between Finnish majority mothers and mothers with an immigrant background in the “Friend for an Immigrant Mum” program organized by Mannerheim League for Child Welfare. The FriendMUM project is funded by the Alli Paasikivi Foundation and the Kone Foundation.
Research groups
1 itemsPublications
10/10 items-
Book Review of Hoegaerts, Josephine, Liimatainen, Tuire, Hekanaho, Laura and Peterson, Elizabeth (Eds.) 2022. Finnishness, Whiteness and Coloniality. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. 373 pp.
Riikonen, Reetta. 2024. Nordic journal of migration research. 14: B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Examining the Impact of Conscript Service on the Labour Market Integration of Migrants
Bontenbal, Ilona; Riikonen, Reetta; Kosonen, Jarkko. 2024. Journal of international migration and integration. 25: 1593-1613 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Inclusion of Diversity: Experiences of (in)Equality among Conscripts with a Migrant Background in the Finnish Defence Forces
Bontenbal, Ilona; Riikonen, Reetta; Kosonen, Jarkko. 2024. Journal of intercultural studies. [Epub ahead of print 26 Jul 2024]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ulkomaalais- ja suomalaistaustaisten pienten lasten äitien väliset kohtaamiset omalla asuinalueella
Finell, Eerika; Paajanen, Paula; Riikonen, Reetta. Teoksessa: Renvik, Tuuli Anna; Säävälä, Minna(toim.) , 2024. Kotoutumisen kokonaiskatsaus 2023: Näkökulmana väestösuhteet. s. 175-185. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö B2 Book section -
The more diverse the better: Identifying with a diverse neighbourhood mother community predicts greater intergroup contact
Riikonen, Reetta; Finell, Eerika; Seppälä, Tuija; Stevenson, Clifford. 2023. Journal of community and applied social psychology. 2024; 34: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ulkomaalaistaustaisten suomalaisten maanpuolustussuhde ja sitä asemoivat tekijät
Kosonen, Jarkko; Riikonen, Reetta; Bontenbal, Ilona. Teoksessa: Pulkka, Antti-Tuomas; Hollanti, Juha(toim.) , 2023. Sodankäynnistä ja sotilaskoulutuksesta. s. 77-109. Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
‘Hey, teach these kids to eat their own food!’: Institutional intergroup contact in immigrant mothers' talk
Paajanen, Paula; Finell, Eerika; Riikonen, Reetta; Stevenson, Clifford. 2023. Journal of community and applied social psychology. 33: 1426-1439 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Intragroup contact with other mothers living in the same neighborhood benefits mothers' life satisfaction: The mediating role of group identification and social support
Seppälä, Tuija; Riikonen, Reetta; Stevenson, Clifford; Paajanen, Paula; Repo, Katja; Finell, Eerika. 2022. Journal of community psychology. 2023; 51: 1365-1377 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Keeping Apart on the Playground: Construction of Informal Segregation on Public Playgrounds in Multiethnic Neighborhoods
Paajanen, Paula; Seppälä, Tuija; Stevenson, Clifford; Riikonen, Reetta; Finell, Eerika. 2022. Social psychology quarterly. 2023; 86: 53-73 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Who is expected to make contact? Interpretative repertoires related to an intergroup encounter between Finnish majority mothers and immigrant mothers
Riikonen, Reetta; Finell, Eerika; Suoninen, Eero; Paajanen, Paula; Stevenson, Clifford. 2022. British journal of social psychology. 2023; 62: 264-280 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research