Sanni Peltonen
Doctoral Researcher
A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences
I work in Šárka Lehtonen group. I’m involved in the project in which we aim to model the function of the blood-brain barrier with microfluidic organ-on-chip. In the project, we are working with several human iPSC-derived cell types.
Research groups
5/5 items-
Biotransformation of nanoplastics in human plasma and their permeation through a model in vitro blood-brain barrier: An in-depth quantitative analysis
Abdolahpur Monikh, Fazel; Lehtonen, Šárka; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Karkossa, Isabel; Auriola, Seppo; Schubert, Kristin; Zanut, Alessandra; Peltonen, Sanni; Niskanen, Jonna; Bandekar, Mandar; von Bergen, Martin; Leskinen, Jari TT; Koistinen, Arto; Bogialli, Sara; Guo, Zhiling; Kukkonen, Jussi VK; Chen, Chunying; Lynch, Iseult. 2024. Nano today. 59: . 102466 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
LRRK2 G2019S Mutated iPSC-Derived Endothelial Cells Exhibit Increased α-Synuclein, Mitochondrial Impairment, and Altered Inflammatory Responses
Sonninen, Tuuli-Maria; Peltonen, Sanni; Niskanen, Jonna; Hämäläinen, Riikka H; Koistinaho, Jari; Lehtonen, Šárka. 2024. International journal of molecular sciences. 25: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mutated LRRK2 induces a reactive phenotype and alters migration in human iPSC-derived pericyte-like cells
Peltonen, Sanni; Sonninen, Tuuli-Maria; Niskanen, Jonna; Koistinaho, Jari; Ruponen, Marika; Lehtonen, Šárka. 2024. Fluids and barriers of the cns. 21: . 92 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Uptake of alpha‐synuclein preformed fibrils is suppressed by inflammation and induces an aberrant phenotype in human microglia
Niskanen, Jonna; Peltonen, Sanni; Ohtonen, Sohvi; Fazaludeen, Mohammad Feroze; Luk, Kelvin C; Giudice, Luca; Koistinaho, Jari; Malm, Tarja; Goldsteins, Gundars; Albert, Katrina; Lehtonen, Šárka. 2024. Glia. 2025; 73: 159-174 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Cellular Models of Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation: What Have We Learned and Implications for Future Study
Albert, Katrina; Kälvälä, Sara; Hakosalo, Vili; Syvänen, Valtteri; Krupa, Patryk; Niskanen, Jonna; Peltonen, Sanni; Sonninen, Tuuli-Maria; Lehtonen, Šárka. 2022. Biomedicines. 10: A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review