Tero Karjalainen
UEF | The Centre for Continuous Learning
Centre for Continuous Learning
[email protected] | +358 40 355 2121
I am responsible for the administration and finances of the Center for Continuous Learning and report to the Academic Rector in accordance with the division of responsibilities between the principals. As a unit, we provide comprehensive lifelong learning services to our customers, partners and the university community. The cornerstones of our operations are the open university, in-service training, expert and development services and project activities that support these.
I’m experienced Board Member with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in administration, management, leadership, medical physics, biomedical engineering, and teaching. Strong development oriented professional graduated from University of Eastern Finland with international experience. Strong background also in leading the volunteer organizations.
Research groups
Positions of Trust
University of Eastern Finland
University Collegiate Body, chairperson 2018-2021, vice chairperson 2022-2025
Member of the Board 2004-2017 (2004-2009 University of Kuopio)
Finnish Union for University Researchers and Teachers
vice chairperson 2007-2008, 2019-2022
chairperson 2023-2024
Finnish delegate 2008-2009
11/11 items-
Mechanosensitive meningeal nociception via Piezo channels: Implications for pulsatile pain in migraine?
Mikhailov, N; Leskinen, J; Fagerlund, I; Poguzhelskaya, E; Giniatullina, R; Gafurov, O; Malm, T; Karjalainen, T; Gröhn, O; Giniatullin, R. 2019. Neuropharmacology. 149: 113-123 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Dual frequency ultrasound elasticity imaging : physics and applications
Karjalainen Tero. 2016. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Forestry and Natural Sciences G5 Doctoral dissertation (article) -
Methods for Focused Ultrasound-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption
Meaghan A. O'Reilly. 2012. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Forestry and Natural Sciences G5 Doctoral dissertation (article) -
Simulations of localized harmonic motions on a blood vessel wall induced by an acoustic radiation force used in ultrasound elastography
Heikkilä J, Karjalainen T, Vauhkonen M, Hynynen K. 2006. Physics in medicine and biology. 51: 4587-4601 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ultrasound stimulates proteoglycan synthesis in bovine primary chondrocytes
Kopakkala-Tani M, Leskinen JJ, Karjalainen HM, Karjalainen T, Hynynen K, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS, Lammi MJ. 2006. Biorheology. 43: 271-282 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
3D simulations of difference frequency effects in ultrasound-stimulated vibro-acoustography
Heikkilä J., Karjalainen T., Hynynen K.. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and frequency Contol Joint 50th Anniversary Conference. s. 1247-1250. A4 Conference proceedings -
3D simulations of difference frequency effects in ultrasound-stimulated vibro-acoustography
Heikkilä J., Karjalainen T., Hynynen K.. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and frequency Contol Joint 50th Anniversary Conference. s. 1247-1250. A4 Conference proceedings -
3D simulations of difference frequency effects in ultrasound-stimulated vibro-acoustography
Heikkilä J., Karjalainen T., Hynynen K.. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and frequency Contol Joint 50th Anniversary Conference. s. 1247-1250. A4 Conference proceedings -
3D simulations of difference frequency effects in ultrasound-stimulated vibro-acoustography
Heikkilä J, Karjalainen T, Hynynen K, Vauhkonen M. Teoksessa: Neittaanmäki P, Rossi T, Majava K, Pironneau O(toim.) , 2004. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. ECCOMAS 2004. s. 16. A4 Conference proceedings -
The temperature dependence of ultrasound-stimulated acoustic emission
Konofagou EE, Thierman J, Karjalainen T, Hynynen K. 2002. Ultrasound in medicine and biology. 28: 331-338 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research