Marko Hassinen
Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta | 050 477 8152
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Non-repudiation and smart cards
Hassinen Marko. Teoksessa: Penttonen, M.(toim.) , 2011. Proceedings of Miniconfrence on 4.11.2011, Computer Science I Like. s. 77-86. University of Eastern Finland Library -
A monolithic program vs. modifiability: enhancing a visual data flow program with object-oriented techniques
Marttila-Kontio M, Hassinen M, Kontio M. Teoksessa: Boness K, Fernandes JM, Hall JG, Machado RJ, Oberhauser R(toim.) , 2009. Proceedings. The Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances. ICSEA 2009. s. 346-352. IEEE Computer Society -
Designing and implementing a novel VoIP-application for symbian based devices [cd-rom]
Oleinicov O, Hassinen M, Haataja K, Toivanen P. Teoksessa: Gui X, Popescu M(toim.) , 2009. The Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications. ICWMC 2009. s. 251-260. IEEE Computer Society -
Requirements for radio frequency identification in healtcare
Lahtela A, Hassinen M. Teoksessa: Adlassnig K-P, Blobel B, Mantas J, Masic I(toim.) , 2009. Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe. Proceedings of MIE 2009. The XXIInd International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics. s. 720-724. IOS Press -
Transforming mobile platform with PKI-SIM card into an open mobile identity tool
Hyppönen K, Hassinen M, Trichina E. Teoksessa: Pohlmann N, Reimer H, Schneider W(toim.) , 2009. ISSE 2008. Securing Electronic Business Processes. Highlights of the Information Security Solutions. Europe 2008 Conference. s. 208-217. Vieweg+Teubner -
A highly automated documentation system: component design
Hassinen M, Marttila-Kontio M. Teoksessa: Wang PP, Sohn S, Dhillon G, Lee J, Ko FIS, Nguyen NT, Bi J, Sakurai K, Ahmadi M, Ji Na Y, Chung W-Y(toim.) , 2008. Proceedings. Third 2008 International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology. ICCT 2008. s. 382-388. IEEE -
Combining biometric authentication with privacy-enhancing technologies
Hyppönen K, Hassinen M, Trichina E. 2008. Lecture notes in computer science. 4968: 155-165 -
EMS coordination in large scale emergencies using automated patient monitoring [cd-rom]
Hassinen M, Marttila-Kontio M. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2008. PervasiveHealth 2008. 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2008. s. . IEEE -
Implementation of an automated documentation system with a visual data flow programming language
Marttila-Kontio M, Hassinen M. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2008. First International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies. ICADIWT 2008. s. 68-73. IEEE -
Pseudonymous mobile identity architecture based on government-supported PKI
Hyppönen K, Hassinen M, Trichina E. 2008. Lecture notes in computer science. 4968: 107-118