Tarkenna hakuasi

Kamrul  Hassan

Kamrul Hassan


Metsätieteiden osasto, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta

[email protected] | 050 442 2346

Md. Kamrul Hassan awarded a M.Sc. with merit (1st Position) from Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He joined Bangladesh Forest Department as Assistant Conservator of Forests in 1994. During his professional career, he received a PGD from WII – Dehradun India, a M.S. from Kasetsart University – Thailand, a M.Sc. from Lleida University – Spain, a M.Sc. from University of Joensuu – Finland, and a D.Sc. from University of Eastern Finland (UEF). He received many prestigious scholarships from various reputed organizations namely, USAID, Bangladesh; ABD, Bangladesh; Erasmus Mundus of the European Commission; Academy of Finland for pursuing his higher degrees. In Bangladesh, he worked in several units of Bangladesh Forest Department, and at the UEF he worked on several EU and Finnish Governmental funded projects notably – BEST, BIOTEAM, CONVER-B, Advanced Forest Nursery projects. In recent years, his research focused on short rotation forestry, peatland restoration, carbon markets and bio-based industry development. At the School of Forest Sciences – UEF, Dr. Kamrul has been acting as a Senior Researcher, and is involved in Industrial Forest Biotechnology & Biorefining (InBio), Social Scientific Bio-society Research (SOBIO), and Global South networking groups.


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