Tarkenna hakuasi

Algoa Progress

ALGOA PROGRESS is a ”New Business from Research Ideas” (TUTLI) project funded by Business Finland and the European Regional Development Fund. The project aims to explore the commercial potential of an algorithm that can predict the progression of osteoarthritis. The project seeks to lay both technological and commercial foundations for a novel technology that allows individualized treatment planning for people with, e.g. osteoarthritis. The objective of this type of treatment planning would be to prevent osteoarthritis or to slow down its progression.

The project is based on long-term basic and applied research carried out by the Biophysics of Bone and Cartilage research group (http://luotain.uef.fi/) at the Department of Applied Physics, UEF, as well as on utilising these research findings in computational modelling.

Anna Lähde (anna.lahde@uef.fi)

I am professor in aerosol technology and the leader of the Sustainable Materials Group at Fine Particle and Aerosol Technology Laboratory. I have also been holding the Academy of Finland Research Fellow position between 2017 and 2022.  My research is focused on the development of sustainable materials for clean air and water applications. The studies include formation, preparation and characterization of the sustainable nano- and micron-sized materials using sustainable precursors. The research also include the analysis and toxicological effects of these materials and airborne particles.

The main synthesis methods applied in the studies include aerosol processes such as spray pyrolysis, physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor synthesis and high temperature induction annealing up to 2600 ºC. In my recent studies, I have focused on the synthesis of novel materials including carbon structures and graphene, superparamagnetic particles (e.g. iron and iron oxides) and catalytic materials (Au, Co) using aerosol processes and induction annealing.

Additional information of research interests can be found through the links attached in this www-site.

Atte von Wright (atte.vonwright@uef.fi)

Opetus- ja tutkimustoimintani kohdistui elintarvikkeiden tuotekehitykseen, elintarviketoksikologiaan ja elintarvikehygieniaan sekä elintarvikelainsäädäntöön. Erityisesti tutkin maitohappobakteereiden hyödyntämistä elintarvikeprosesseissa tuotteiden säilyvyyden, turvallisuuden ja ravitsemuksellisten ominaisuuksien parantamiseksi. Osallistuin ryhmäni kanssa useisiin Euroopan Unionin tutkimushankkeisiin ja olin myös jäsenenä Euroopan elintarviketurvallisuusviranomaisen (EFSA:n) tiedepaneeleissa ja työryhmissä.

Jäätyäni eläkkeelle vuonna 2016 olen jatkanut tohtoriopiskelijoiden ohjaajana sekä osallistunut asiantuntijana Itä-Suomen yliopiston yhteishankkeisiin Keski-Aasian yliopistojen ja elintarvikesektorin kanssa (mm. Kazakstanin kansallisen maatalousyliopiston kanssa toteutetun ’Green Biotechnology and Food Security’ maisteriohjelman akateemisena vastuuhenkilönä).

Olen lisäksi ollut aloittamassa meneillään olevaa Kuopion Ruokalaakso-hanketta, jossa luodaan yliopiston, Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun, kehitysyhtiö Savo Grow:n sekä maakunnan elintarvikeyritysten välinen yhteistyöverkosto elintarvikesektorin aluelliseksi kehittämiseksi.

Blas Mola (blas.mola@uef.fi)

My main research lines focus on all topics related to biomass production for energy, both from forest management and fast-growing plantations. My interests entail the production and economic aspects, policy framework, environmental effects and social consequences of their development. In addition to this, I have interest on the analysis and modelling of risk, especially combined with ecosystem services, either caused by natural disturbances, man-made origins or social conflicts.

Concerning teaching, I am in charge of advanced courses on bioenergy (“Supply and energy use of lignocellulosic biomass”, and “Bioenergy markets and policies”) and methods (“Academic skills” and “Research methods in forest sciences”). In addition, I am supervisor of several MSc and DSc students. I keep close cooperation at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden), the Norwegian Institute of bioeconomy research (Norway), the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (Spain) and the Northwest A&F University (China).

Iman Zarei (iman.zarei@uef.fi)

I completed my PhD in Human Nutrition, minor in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology at the University of the Philippines joined with Colorado State University, USA. My PhD research focused on identification of dietary biomarkers in cereal bran using metabolomics from two human intervention studies in adults and children and determination of cereal bran property in inhibiting bacterial pathogenicity in mouse cell line. As my cognate was Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, during my PhD program, I also worked over three years as lar at the Grain Quality and Nutrition Center as well as the Genetic Transformation Laboratory of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines, the most renowned rice research organization in the world. My work at IRRI included rice metabolomics, identification rice varieties with high protein content, and genetic modifications of rice for vitamin A (Golder Rice project) and iron and zinc bio-fortification.  I currently work within the LongITools project (https://longitools.org) to study the effects physical activity and diet exposures on human health in determining the risks of chronic cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

Kaisa Pihlainen (kaisa.pihlainen@uef.fi)

Työskentelen yliopistotutkijana erityispedagogiikan oppiaineessa, jossa tutkin oppimista ja osallisuutta elinikäisen oppimisen näkökulmasta. Viimeaikaiset tutkimukseni ovat keskittyneet ikäihmisten digitaitoihin, autismikirjon oppilaiden vertaisvuorovaikutukseen ja opettajaopiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuksissani käytän monipuolisesti eri tutkimusmenetelmiä, painottaen visuaalisia ja osallistavia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Olen ollut mukana useissa monitieteisissä kansallisissa ja kansainvälisissä tutkimushankkeissa, joista tällä hetkellä olen mukana Suomen Akatemian rahoittamassa PEICAS – Peer Interactions involving Children with Autism Spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms -hankkeessa. Olen työskennellyt vierailevana tutkijana Queensland University of Technology´ssa Australiassa, Karlstadin yliopistossa Ruotsissa sekä Siegenin yliopistossa Saksassa. Tutkimuksen lisäksi opetan sekä ohjaan maisteri- ja väitöstutkimuksia. Olen elinikäisen oppimisen dosentti Lapin yliopistossa.

Kari Sormunen (kari.sormunen@uef.fi)

Olen luokanopettajakoulutuksen vastuuhenkilö, opetan luonnontieteiden pedagogiikkaa monialaisissa opinnoissa sekä ohjaan kandidaatin ja pro gradu -tutkielmia. Toimin vastuuhenkilönä myös aineenopettajan pedagogisissa opinnoissa ja opetan luonnontieteiden pedagogiikkaa lähinnä fysiikan, kemian ja matematiikan opettajaopiskelijoille. Olen osallistunut lukuisiin eurooppalaisiin opettajankoulukseen liittyviin hankkeisiin ja viettänyt syksyn 2016 Fulbright stipendiaattina Stanfordin yliopistossa Kaliforniassa. Tutkimusintressini kohdistuvat inklusiiviseen luonnontieteiden opetukseen sekä monitieteiseen STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) -opetukseen. Seuraan myös NoS (Nature of Science) -tutkimusta.

Markku Hauta-Kasari (markku.hauta-kasari@uef.fi)

Markku Hauta-Kasari received his MSc in computer science from the University of Kuopio, Finland, in 1994 and his PhD in information processing from the Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, in 1999. Since 1999 he has been working in research and teaching positions in computer science at the University of Eastern Finland. From 1996 to 1998 he was a visiting researcher at Professor Toyooka’s Optical Sensing Laboratory, Saitama University, Japan. In 2002 he was 2 months as a visiting researcher at Professor Miyake’s laboratory in Chiba University, Japan, and in 2007 one month as a visiting Professor at the National Museum of Japanese History, Japan. In 2003 – 2010, he was the Director of InFotonics Center Joensuu research center at the University of Joensuu. Currently, he is Professor in Computer Science at the University of Eastern Finland. He is the head of the Spectral Color Research Group. His research interest include spectral color research, pattern recognition and computer vision. He is a member of the Optical Society of Japan, and the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland. He is a past chairman of the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland (2003 – 2006) and past chairman of the CIE Technical Committee TC8-07 ”Multispectral imaging” (2008 – 2011). In 2014-2021 he was the Head of the School of Computing at the University of Eastern Finland. Since 2022, he is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science and Forestry.

Mohamed Abdelgalil (mohammed.saqr@uef.fi)

Mohammed Saqr holds a PhD in learning analytics from Stockholm University. Currently, Mohammed Saqr works as a senior researcher at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and holds the title of Docent in Learning Analytics from the University of Oulu (Finland). Mohammed Saqr’s work experience includes working at Université de Paris Cité (France), Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). Now, Mohammed Saqr leads the lab of learning analytics at UEF, Europe’s most productive learning analytics lab in 2021 and 2022. Mohammed Saqr was awarded the most competitive funding in both Sweden (Swedish Research Council) and Finland (the Academy of Finland). Mohammed Saqr has published extensively on learning analytics as well as computing education, science of science and open science. Since September 2022, Mohammed Saqr is working to develop artificial intelligence methods that can personalize education (Idiographic analytics). Besides, he serves as an associate editor at IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, PLoS One, Frontiers in Computer Science and Frontiers in Big Data. For a full CV please see his website here and for an updated list of publications, please see here.

Mohammad Rezaie (mohammad.rezaie@uef.fi)

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the esteemed University of Eastern Finland, specializing in biomedical engineering. My academic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree from Shahed University and continued with a Master’s degree from Iran University of Science and Technology, where I honed my skills in electronic circuits, signal processing, and artificial intelligence for medical data analysis.

Currently, my research focus lies in the development of sophisticated software solutions for Multi-Electrode Array (MEA) data analysis. Leveraging my advanced programming proficiency in Python and MATLAB, complemented by experience in Biomedical signal processing, I strive to create user-friendly yet robust software platforms. My objective is to integrate cutting-edge methodologies with standardized protocols, facilitating seamless adoption and enhancing efficiency in biomedical research endeavors.

Driven by a passion for innovation and a dedication to advancing healthcare technology, I approach challenges with a blend of expertise and enthusiasm. I am committed to delivering impactful solutions at the forefront of technology and biomedicine. I look forward to contributing to the advancement of knowledge and collaboration within the scientific community.