Timo Vahimaa
IoT, Azure IoT Central, sensorit, AR, VR, OpenIris
Digipalvelut, Yliopistopalvelut
[email protected] | 050 360 7258
2/2 kappaletta-
Responses in growth and emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds in Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch seedlings to different warming treatments in a controlled field experiment
Pikkarainen, Laura; Nissinen, Katri; Ghimire, Rajendra Prasad; Kivimäenpää, Minna; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Virjamo, Virpi; Yu, Hao; Kirsikka-Aho, Sara; Salminen, Timo; Hirvonen, Jukka; Vahimaa, Timo; Luoranen, Jaana; Peltola, Heli. 2022. Science of the total environment. 821: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Measuring femtosecond-scale polarization fluctuations of light
Shevchenko A, Roussey M, Pääkkönen P, Vahimaa T, Friberg A.T., Setälä T. 2014. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland : reports and studies in education, humanities, and theology