Marina Kovalchuk
Project research, Doctoral dissertation research
Kauppatieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta
[email protected] | 050 476 2316
I am a researcher of the International Business and Sales Management research group whose ongoing Doctoral dissertation is dedicated to industrial brands and international B2B branding of SMEs. My sphere of interest is brands’ formation and development within the networks of industrial relationships spanning geographic and cultural borders. I am doing studies on the topics of industrial brand personality, brand anthropomorphism, B2B strategic brand management and co-creation in branding.
Conference papers
Kovalchuk, M., Gabrielsson, M. & Fürst, A. 2021. What Makes a Strong Brand in International B2B Markets: Strategic Brand Management versus Co-Creation Viewpoint. Paper presented at the AMA Summer Conference, virtual, USA, 5 August.
Kovalchuk, M., Gabrielsson, M. & Rollins, M. 2019. Anthropomorphized Brand Role in International B2B Context. Paper presented at the 21st ANZMAC Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 4 December.
Ingman, S., Kovalchuk, M. & Rindell, A. 2018. How are Brands Co-created? – A Literature Review. Paper presented at the 4th International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation, Cetraro, Italy, 3 September.
Kovalchuk, M., Gabrielsson, M. & Rollins, M. 2016. Exploring the Moderating Effect of Co-Created Brand Personality in B2B Market. Paper presented at the AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, Atlanta, USA, 5 August.
2/2 kappaletta-
Industrial BRAND-personality formation in a B2B stakeholder network: A service-dominant logic approach
Kovalchuk, Marina; Gabrielsson, Mika; Rollins, Minna. 2023. Industrial marketing management. 114: 313-330 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Toward a conceptual understanding of co-creation in branding
Sarasvuo, Sonja; Rindell, Anne; Kovalchuk, Marina. 2021. Journal of business research. 139: 543-563 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä