Tarkenna hakuasi

Denis  Dobrynin

Denis Dobrynin


Metsätieteiden osasto, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta

[email protected] | 050 344 0395

I am coordinating the activities implemented by the University of Eastern Finland within the framework of the EDUCase platform. Supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, the EDUCase platform is focused on strengthening partnerships in education, sustainable development and global responsibility. In 2022, we organize courses on environmental collaboration and conflict resolution in Finland and in Tanzania. These courses address conflicts related to natural resources management, including the examination of theoretical frameworks and conflict cases, hands-on exercises and the development of collaboration, mediation and consensus-building skills. The courses are both academic and practice-driven.

As a researcher, I am interested in environmental and forest policy and governance, sustainability, and bioeconomy. In my research, I am focused on the role of globalization and privatization of forest governance and sustainable forest management, including the market-driven forest certification, NGOs and private companies. My research was supported by the Kone Foundation and the Department of Geographical and Historical Studies.


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