Hannu Korhonen
Laboratory Engineer
Maintenance and development of the medical-/biophysics lab’s state-of-the-art research infrastruc...
Department of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 546 8210
Research groups
Biomaterials technology group 01.01.2010 -
Biomedical Spectroscopy Laboratory (biomedspect) 01.09.2018 -
Biophysics of Bone and Cartilage (BBC) 01.01.1998 -
18/76 items-
Experimental Comparison of Thin Film Surfaces to Detect Oral Salivary Biomarkers by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Hurskainen, Miia; Korhonen, Hannu; Myllymaa, Sami; Lappalainen, Reijo. Teoksessa: Dekhtyar, Yuri; Saknite, Inga(toim.) , 2023. 19th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics: Proceedings of NBC 2023, June 12–14, 2023, Liepaja, Latvia. s. 269-277. Springer A4 Conference proceedings -
Novel coatings for tools, instruments and probes
Korhonen, Hannu. 2019. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Forestry and Natural Sciences -
Improvements in the thread cutting torque for a 6082-T6 aluminum-based alloy with tapping tools utilizing diamond coating
Korhonen, Hannu; Koistinen, Arto; Lappalainen, Reijo. 2018. Machining science and technology -
Optically transparent and durable Al2O3 coatings for harsh environments by ultra short pulsed laser deposition
Korhonen Hannu, Syväluoto Aki, Leskinen Jari TT, Lappalainen Reijo. 2017. Optics and laser technology -
Improved multilayer coatings by combined use of electrochemical and ultra-short pulsed laser deposition techniques
Laitinen Kimmo T, Korhonen Hannu, Leskinen Jari TT, Koistinen Arto, Lappalainen Reijo. 2016. Surface and coatings technology -
Interfacial sliding properties of bone screw materials and their effect on screw fixation strength
Koistinen Arto P, Korhonen Hannu, Kröger Heikki, Lappalainen Reijo. 2014. Journal of applied biomaterials & functional materials -
Korhonen H, Laakkonen J, Hakala J, Lappalainen R. 2013. Machining science and technology -
Improved multilayer coatings by combined use of electrochemical and ultra-short pulsed laser deposition techniques
Laitinen KT, Korhonen H, Nuutinen P, Miettinen J, Lappalainen R. 2013. National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF) -
Formation and retention of staphylococcal biofilms on DLC and its hybrids compared to metals used as biomaterials
Myllymaa Katja, Levon Jaakko, Tiainen Veli-Matti, Myllymaa Sami, Soininen Antti, Korhonen Hannu, Kaivosoja Emilia, Lappalainen Reijo, Konttinen Yrjö Tapio. 2012. Colloids and surfaces b: biointerfaces -
Analysis of plastic deformation in cortical bone after insertion of coated and non-coated self-tapping orthopaedic screws
Koistinen, Arto P; Korhonen, H; Kiviranta, Ilkka; Kröger, Heikki, Lappalainen, Reijo. 2011. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part h: journal of engineering in medicine