Katariina Ylönen
University Teacher
University Teacher and PhD Researcher in the International Retailing -project and International B...
Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 566 9461
My expertise and interests relate to sales, sales leadership and innovativeness, as well as workplace and organizational culture. In my doctoral dissertation, I focus on the innovativeness of sales organizations and the role of sales in enhancing organisation innovation capabilities. As a researcher, I am inspired by interdisciplinary collaboration and approaches intending to understand the future. In International Retailing -project I teach sales and buyer behavior from the perspective of retailing and in the International Business and Sales Management -master’s degree program I teach the International Sales Work course.
Research groups
9/9 items-
Understanding sales innovativeness through sales managers’ accounts
Ylönen, Katariina; Julkunen, Saara; Puusa, Anu. 2023. Proceedings of the annual Global Sales Science Institute Conference abstract -
Vähittäiskaupan innovaatiot ja teknologian hyödyntäminen edellyttävät myyntiosaamisen kehittämistä
Ylönen, Katariina. 2023. Kansainvälinen vähittäiskauppa: uuden ja ainutlaatuisen oppiaineen kuulumisia Itä-Suomen yliopistosta. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden muuttuvat työyhteisökulttuurit Euroopassa: Uusi työ, arvot, menetelmät ja johtaminen (WoCuE). WoCuE-hankkeen loppuraportti
Puusa, Anu; Tuominen, Pasi; Ylönen, Katariina. 2022. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Reports and studies in social sciences and business studies. . Itä-Suomen yliopisto D4 Published development or research report or study -
Changing Workplace Cultures in the Knowledge-Intensive Sector in Europe: New Work, Values, Methods and Management (WoCuE). Final report of the WoCuE project
Puusa, Anu; Tuominen, Pasi; Ylönen, Katariina. 2022. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Reports and studies in social sciences and business studies. . Itä-Suomen yliopisto D4 Published development or research report or study -
The importance of the knowledge sharing structures in sales units in fostering a firm's innovation process
Ylönen, Katariina; Puusa, Anu; Julkunen, Saara. 2021. Proceedings of the annual Global Sales Science Institute Conference -
Arvoihin pohjautuva työyhteisökulttuuri luo yritykselle kilpailuetua
Ylönen, Katariina; Tuominen, Pasi; Puusa, Anu. 2020. Tuottava ja tuloksellinen työelämä: Hämeen ELY-keskuksen hankeblogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Hyvä toimintakulttuuri ja työyhteisötaidot kunniaan
Ylönen, Katariina; Puusa, Anu. 2020. Digineuvokas. 1: 21 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
The Role of Sales Managers in Supporting Innovativeness
Ylönen Katariina, Gabrielsson Mika, Julkunen Saara. 2017. AMA winter educators' conference -
Sales Innovativeness from the Perspective of Sales Managers
Ylönen Katariina. 2015. G2 Master’s thesis, polytechnic Master’s thesis