Machine Learning
Research group
01.03.2000 -
School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
Group homepage:
The main research areas are clustering methods, location-based services, data and web mining, and optimizing health care applications. Currently there are also activities in TSP, Twitter data analysis, intelligent robotics, algorithmic music composition, and biomedical signal analysis. Earlier topics have been image and speech processing.
accent recognition
big data
cluster analysis
data analysis
data mining
ECV load forecast
GPS tracking
heart rate signal analysis
image analysis
language recognition
location-aware applications
mobile games
reinforcement learning
route planning
social network analysis
speaker recognition
speech technology
string similarity
text mining
vehicle routing
voice biometrics
web mining
Post-doctoral Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
Masoud Fatemi
Early Stage ResearcherSchool of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty -
Gulraiz Iqbal Choudhary
Early Stage Researcher
Other group members
Thomas Ho Chee Tat, Infocomm research, Singapore [email protected]
Nilima Shah, Badora University, India [email protected]
Himat Shah [email protected]
Nancy Fazal fazal
Abigail Wiafe [email protected]
Chengmin Zhou
Biliaminu Jimoh