Andrew Copus
Visiting Researcher
PhD (Human Geography). Honorary Associate of the James Hutton Institute (Aberdeen)
Karelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Andrew has more than thirty years experience in Rural Development Research at Institutes and Universities in Scotland. Also ten years part-time secondment to Nordregio, (Stockholm).
His interests include rural demography, development approaches for remote rural areas and islands, and European and National rural/regional policy.
10/10 items-
Diversity and Opportunities for Rural Development: Reflecting Awareness, Understanding and Activities in Rural Areas
Dax, Thomas; Copus, Andrew; Ge, Dazhuan. 2023. World. 4: 360-367 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Measuring Access to Services of General Interest as a Diagnostic Tool to Identify Well-Being Disparities between Rural Areas in Europe
Ortega-Reig, Mar; Schuermann, Carsten; Martinez, Adrian Ferrandis; Copus, Andrew. 2023. Land. 12: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Towards spatial justice across Europe through place-based interventions: Lessons learned from considering medium-horizon future scenarios
Tobiasz-Lis, Paulina; Piras, Simone; Dmochowska-Dudek, Karolina; Currie, Karolina; Duckett, Dominic; Copus, Andrew; Wójcik, Marcin. Teoksessa: Fritsch, Matti; Kahila, Petri; Németh, Sarolta; Scott, James W(toim.) , 2023. Spatial Justice and Cohesion: The Role of Place-Based Action in Community Development. s. 107-125. Routledge D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
City region thinking, a zombie idea in regional and rural development? Scotland and Finland compared
Copus, Andrew; Kahila, Petri; Fritsch, Matti. 2022. Journal of rural studies. 89: 348-356 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
European Rural Demographic Strategies: Foreshadowing Post-Lisbon Rural Development Policy?
Dax, Thomas; Copus, Andrew. 2022. World. 3: 938-956 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mitä on älykäs sopeutuminen?
Kahila, Petri; Hirvonen, Timo; Jolkkonen, Arja; Kurvinen, Arja; Lemponen, Virpi; Makkonen, Teemu; Rautiainen, Simo; Teräs, Jukka; Turunen, Eeva; Copus, Andrew Lebbing, Jesper; Vester, Linda; Meijer, Marlies . 2022. Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja. . Valtioneuvoston kanslia D4 Published development or research report or study -
Designing a pilot remote and rural migration scheme : analysis and policy options
Boswell, Christina; Bell, David; Copus, Andrew; Kay, Rebecca; Kulu, Hill. 2021. . . D4 Published development or research report or study -
European shrinking rural areas: key messages for a refreshed long-term European policy vision
Copus, Andrew; Kahila, Petri; Dax, Thomas; Kovács, Katalin; Tagai, Gergely; Weber, Ryan; Grunfelder, Julien; Meredith, David; Ortega-Reig, Mar; Piras, Simone; Löfving, Linnea; Moodie, John; Fritsch, Matti; Ferrandis, Adrián. 2021. Terra. : 280-309 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Spatial justice on the horizon? A combined Theory of Change scenario tool to assess place-based interventions
Piras, Simone; Tobiasz-Lis, Paulina; Currie, Margaret; Dmochowska-Dudek, Karolina; Duckett, Dominic; Copus, Andrew. 2021. European planning studies. [Published online 18 May 2021]: 1-22 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Urban growth engines or relational proximity? What can we learn from enterprise population and business demography indicators in the Context of Rural and Small-Town Scotland?
Copus, Andrew. Teoksessa: Banski, Jerzy(toim.) , 2021. The Routledge Handbook of Small Towns. s. 268-282. Routledge D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor)