Helena Rovamo
Grant-funded Researcher
Doctoral researcher
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 468 0359
Hi! I’m Helena, a PhD researcher in social psychology. Nice of you to check out my profile! ?
I am currently finishing my dissertation on populism. In my dissertation, I aim to explore the appeal of populism through qualitative research. My dissertation is part of a broader research project called Mobilizing Populism led by Professor Inari Sakki of the University of Helsinki.
My research is based on interview data collected in the research project in 2021. In these interviews, we discussed with voters of different Finnish parties different political issues, such as immigration and populism, and the reasons for their voting decisions. In my research, I have focused primarily on examining the divisions between ‘us’ and ‘them’ as constructed in the interviewees’ talk. The sub-studies of my dissertation have been published in social psychology journals and I actively communicate about my research on my LinkedIn profile. The sub-studies are listed below:
Rovamo, H., Pettersson, K., & Sakki, I. (2023). Who’s to blame for failed integration of immigrants? Blame attributions as an affectively polarizing force in lay discussions of immigration in Finland. Political Psychology, 45(2), 235–258. https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12917
Rovamo, H., & Sakki, I. (2023). Lay representations of populism: discursive negotiation of naturalized social representation. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology., 34(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2755
Rovamo, H., & Sakki, I. (2024). Mobilization of shared victimhood in the radical right populist Finns Party supporters’ identity work: A narrative-discursive approach to populist support. European Journal of Social Psychology, 54(2), 495–512. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.3021
Since spring 2024, I have been working as part of a research project called Intergroup Relations and Local Encounters, led by Jari Martikainen from the University of Eastern Finland and funded by the Kone Foundation. The research project focuses on studying how Ukrainian, Middle Eastern, and Finnish young people living in the Savo area perceive each other, their lives, and their future in multicultural Savo.
Alongside my research, I teach and supervise students in social psychology.
Before my studies in social sciences, I graduated as a nurse from the Savonia University of Applied Sciences. I consider that my professional strengths are, on the one hand, my ability to be analytical and systematic and, on the other, my ability to listen and have empathy towards others.
In my work, I get excited about learning or practicing something new every day. I enjoy conversations and listening to others. I sometimes immerse myself in details, but I also love to outline big patterns.
Research groups
2/2 items-
Lay narratives of nationhood: Time, place and emotion in the talk of populist radical right-wing supporters in Finland
Sakki, Inari; Jaakkola, Jenni; Hakoköngäs, Eemeli; Martikainen, Jari; Rovamo, Helena. 2024. Nations and nationalism. [Epub ahead of print 17 November 2024]: 1-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kirje tulevaisuudesta -menetelmä
Hänninen, V; Pohjola, H; Tarvainen, M; Hätilä, J; Korhonen, H; Rovamo, H; Sools, A. Teoksessa: Ryynänen, Sanna; Rannikko, Anni(toim.) , 2021. Tutkiva mielikuvitus : luovat, osallistuvat ja toiminnalliset tutkimusmenetelmät yhteiskuntatieteissä. s. 132-153. Gaudeamus A3 Book section, Chapters in research books