Specializing Physicians' Competence and Competence-Based Education
The doctoral research maps the recognition of competence and the factors influencing the accumulation of competence among physicians applying for a specialization in general practice, as seen in their individual learning plans (ILPs). Additionally, it examines the impact of the transition to competence-based specialization training (in 2020) on these descriptions by comparing learning plans made before and after the training reform. The data consists of 118 individual learning plans that the applicants have prepared as part of a course included in the application process.
The aim of the research is to provide insights into physicians’ understanding of competence and the factors underlying competence development at the early stages of specialization training. The research findings will aid in the recognition of competence, the development of training, and the evaluation of the usability of ILPs. The results will help formulate a new way to describe competence and understand what needs to be considered in competence assessment.
The research began in spring 2024.