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Alexandre N. Nikolaev

University Lecturer

University Lecturer

General Linguistics

School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty | +358 50 471 1565

Most recent publications


Sulpizio, S., Günther, F., Badan, L., Basclain, B., Brysbaert, M., Chan, Y. L., Ciaccio, L. A., Dudschig, C., Duñabeitia, J. A., Fasoli, F., Ferrand, L., Filipović Đurđević, D., Guerra, E., Hollis, G., Job, R., Jornkokgoud, K., Kahraman, H., Kgolo-Lotshwao, N., Kinoshita, S., Kos, J., Lee, L., Lee, N. H., Mackenzie, I. G., Manojlović, M., Manouilidou, C., Martinic, M., del Carmen Méndez, M., Mišić, K., Na Chiangmai, N., Nikolaev, A., Oganyan, M., Rusconi, P., Samo, G., Tse, C.-S., Westbury, C., Wongupparaj, P., Yap, M. J. & Marelli, M. (2024). Taboo language across the globe: A multi-lab study. Behavior Research Methods, 56(4), 3794–3813.

Bermel, N., Knittl, L., Alldrick, M. & Nikolaev, A. (2024). Ideal and real paradigms: language users, reference works and corpora. Cognitive Linguistics, 35(2), 177–219.


Nikolaev, A., & Bermel, N. (2023). Studying negative evidence in Finnish language corpora. Word structure, 16 (2-3), 206–232.

Bermel, N., Knittl, L., & Nikolaev, A. (2023). Uncertainty in the production of Czech noun and verb forms. Word structure, 16 (2-3), 258–283.

Hyun, J., & Nikolaev, A. (2023). Neuroanatomical predictors of language and cognitive functions in aging. In M.Goral and A.Lerman (eds.) Advances in the Neurolinguistic Study of Multilingual and Monolingual Adults: In honor of Professor Loraine K. Obler. pp.64-75. Routledge: New York.


Nikolaev, A., Chuang, Y-Y., & Baayen, R.H. (2022). A generating model for Finnish nominal inflection using distributional semantics. Mental Lexicon 17(3), 368–394.

Kirjavainen, M., & Nikolaev, A. (2022). Investigation into the linguistic category membership of the Finnish planning particle tota. Pragmatics and Cognition, 29(2), 373-396.

Nikolaev, A., & Bermel, N. (2022). Explaining uncertainty and defectivity of inflectional paradigms. Cognitive Linguistics, 33(3), 585-621.


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