Anne Tarvainen
Senior Researcher
School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 436 3227
I am an ethnomusicologist (PhD), and my research focuses on the embodied, experiential, and cultural dimensions of the human voice. Currently, I work as a senior researcher at the University of Eastern Finland on the “SOMECO – Sonic Mediations and Ecocritical Listening” project, funded by the Research Council of Finland. In my previous research, I have explored topics such as singers’ vocal expression and its embodied listening, somaesthetic experiences of d/Deaf, tone-deaf, and vocally disordered singers, as well as human voice and background music in service industry workplaces. I have also worked at Tampere University and been a visiting researcher at Florida Atlantic University and the University of Helsinki. I share my expertise by teaching writing skills, and by providing training in the Voicefulness® method I have developed. More information and my publications can be found on my website: www.annetarvainen.fi.