Anni Calcara
Visiting Researcher
Doctoral researcher / grant researcher
School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty
My name is Anni Calcara and I am a doctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. I graduated with a Master of Arts degree in 2018 with a major in English language and Culture. I started my doctoral studies in January 2019 in the doctoral program of Social and Cultural Encounters . I am working on a dissertation focusing of examining Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins’ Left Behind franchise as an ideological and sociological phenomenon.
I have received several personal grants to fund my doctoral research. I have received grants from the Finnish Concordia Fund, Gustav B. Thordén’s Karjalan lahjarahasto (Karelia Fund), and the Finnish Cultural Foundations North Carelia Fund. In addition, I have worked as a fixed-term university teacher of English language and culture at the University of Eastern Finland in 2019-2021 and 2022-2023. At the moment, I am focusing on my doctoral dissertation as a grant researcher.
3/3 items-
Omat Huoneet: Tila ja turvallisuus Margaret Atwoodin romaanissa The Handmaid's Tale ja Charlotte Perkins Gilmanin novellissa The Yellow Wallpaper
Calcara, Anni. 2021. Lähde : historiatieteellinen aikakauskirja. 2020; 16: 86-102 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Populaarikulttuuri; ikkunat auki Amerikkaan!
Calcara, Anni. 2021. SAM Magazine. : - E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
No Christian Left Behind: Ideology in Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins's "Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days"
Anni Elina Calcara. 2018. G2 Master’s thesis, polytechnic Master’s thesis