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Antti-Jussi  Kouvo

Antti-Jussi Kouvo

Deputy Head of Department

University Lecturer

Dr.Soc.Sc., Docent (adjunct professor) in Sociology

Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

[email protected] | +358 50 468 2258

I am a senior lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland. My teaching focuses on research methods, especially statistical ones. My research focuses on well-being, social cohesion and social networks. I have studied the topics in the contexts of welfare states, neighbourhoods and the disadvantaged groups. For example, in our  research project “The neighboring networks of the older city dwellers” we looked at the role of neighborhood networks for the well-being of older people and in our current project called SISU (funded by Research Council of Finland) I lead a work package that focuses on the role of institutional trust during the green transition.

SISU project (in Finnish)


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