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Anu  Puusa

Anu Puusa


Professor in Management

Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

[email protected] | +358 50 442 3376

I work as a Professor in Management. My current research interest areas are co-operatives, work-community skills/Organization Citizenship behaviour, organizational identity and change. I have published textbooks and numerous journal articles and other publications.

I also believe in giving back: I have positions of trust such as membership of the board at Cooperatives Europe and Pellervo Coop Center (I am bit of a co-operative enthusiastic).

I am experienced organizational speaker and an awarded teacher. I am an academic who does not believe that theory and practice are opposites. My philosophical background lies in the interpretative paradigm: “We look at the same target, but do we see the same thing?”

I am a realist who tend to look at the bright side of life. I believe in the power of questions. Joint pondering and cooperation are the ways forward.


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