Atte von Wright
Professor, Emeritus
Professor Emeritus, Food Biotechnology Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition
Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
My teaching and research focuses on food product development, food toxicology, food hygiene and food law. My research is especially focused on using of lactic acid bacteria in food processes to enhance product shelf-life, safety and improve nutritional properties. I have participated in several EU research projects and also been a member of scientific panels and working groups of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
While I retired in 2016, I have continued to supervise doctoral students and been in an expert role in several food security projects implemented by the University of Eastern Finland with Central Asian partners, for example as the Academic Coordinator of a double-degree master’s programme ‘Green Biotechnology and Food Security’ implemented with the Kazakh National Agrarian University.
I was also involved in founding the current Kuopio Food Valley project network that brings together the University of Eastern Finland, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, the development company Savo Grow and food business in the region to develop the food sector
Research groups
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Antimicrobial activity of commercial organic honeys against clinical isolates of human pathogenic bacteria
Obey, Jackie K; Ngeiywa, Moses M; Lehesvaara, Marjatta; Kauhanen, Jussi; von Wright, Atte; Tikkanen-Kaukanen, Carina. 2022. Organic agriculture. 12: 267-277 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Methods Used for Selecting and Evaluating Probiotics
Korkea-aho, T. L.; von Wright, A.. Teoksessa: Austin, Brian; Sharifuzzaman, S.M.(toim.) , 2022. Probiotics in Aquaculture. s. 7-23. Springer B2 Book section -
Pinoresinol stimulates keratinocyte proliferation and downregulates TNF‐α secretion in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: An experimental in vitro study
Haapakorva, Elias; Raunio, Hannu; von Wright, Atte; Harvima, Ilkka. 2022. Health science reports. 2023; 6: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Quality, Safety and Regulatory Issues of Probiotics
Awad, E.; von Wright, A.; Austin, B.. Teoksessa: Austin, Brian; Sharifuzzaman, S.M.(toim.) , 2022. Probiotics in Aquaculture. s. 285-298. Springer B2 Book section -
Examining Safety of Biocolourants from Fungal and Plant Sources-Examples from Cortinarius and Tapinella, Salix and Tanacetum spp. and Dyed Woollen Fabrics
Räisänen, Riikka; Primetta, Anja; Nikunen, Sari; Honkalampi, Ulla; Nygren, Heli; Pihlava, Juha-Matti; Berghe, Ina Vanden; von Wright, Atte. 2020. Antibiotics. 9: 266 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
From farm to fork : a guide to Finnish food safety and quality management
Avento, Roseanna; Wright, Atte von. 2020. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. General series. . Itä-Suomen yliopisto D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide -
Ot fermy do vilki : rukovodstvo po upravleniu bezopastnost'u i kacestvom pisevoj produkcii v Finlandii
Avento, Roseanna; Wright, Atte von. 2020. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. General series. . Itä-Suomen yliopisto D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide -
Effect of different starter cultures on the sensory properties and microbiological quality of Atole agrio, a fermented maize product
Väkeväinen, Kati; Hernández, Jessica; Simontaival, Anna-Inkeri; Severiano-Pérez, Patricia; Díaz-Ruiz, Gloria; von Wright, Atte; Wacher-Rodarte, Carmen; Plumed-Ferrer, Carme. 2019. Food control. 2020; 109: 106907 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Identification of Probiotic Strains by Modern Analytical Techniques
Omarova, AB; von Wright, Atte; Tulemissova, ZhK. 2019. Izvestiâ Nacionalʹnoj akademii nauk Respubliki Kazahstan. Seriâ geologii i tehničeskih nauk. 3: 30-35 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Potential of quinoa in the development of fermented spoonable vegan products
Väkeväinen, Kati; Ludena-Urquizo, Fanny; Korkala, Essi; Lapveteläinen, Anja; Peräniemi, Sirpa; von Wright, Atte; Plumed-Ferrera, Carme. 2019. Lwt: food science and technology. 2020; 120: 108912 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research