Dementia or MCI @ work in progress
This multidisciplinary project (elder law and labour law, psychology, occupational therapy, social and political science, and engineering) will provide new insights into what happens when people develop mild cognitive impairment or early stage dementia while still working, how this is influenced by legislation, and how it is experienced and potentially managed by those concerned. Start date for this three year project is 1 January 2018.
This project will focus on:
– How laws, regulations and policies in different countries and organizations can support and/or hinder continued work and/or transition from work, how these are practiced by a variety of actors, and how they can be understood better by people with dementia/MCI and their employers;
– The role of technology, the match between persons and technologies, testing new/adapted solutions to support continued work and/or transition from work, and the learning approaches and problem-solving strategies each person develops for adapting and managing working with cognitive impairment;
– The creation of a new digital tool to support understanding, communication, and planning between people with MCI and their employers.
Other group members
Louise Nygård (hankkeen koordinaattori, Ruotsi, Karoliininen Instituutti)
Arlene Astell (osakonsortion johtaja, Kanada, Toronto Rehab Institute)
Jennifer Boger (osakonsortion johtaja, Kanada, Waterloon yliopisto)
Ann-Charlotte Nedlund (osakonsortion johtaja, Ruotsi, Linköpingin yliopisto)
Sirkkaliisa Heimonen (Suomi, Ikäinstituutti)
Charlotta Ryd (Ruotsi, Karoliininen instituutti)
Lena Rosenberg (Ruotsi, Karoliininen instituutti)
Ann-Louise Engvall (Ruotsi, Karoliininen instituutti)
Birgit Heuchemer (Ruotsi, Karoliininen instituutti)
Anders Kottorp (Ruotsi, Malmön yliopisto/Karoliininen instituutti)
Sheida Marashi (Kanada, Waterloon yliopisto)
Karan Shastri (Kanada, Waterloon yliopisto)
Parminder Flora (Kanada, Ontario Shores)