e-FINGERS virtual facilitator for personalized brain health promotion and dementia prevention
A Co-Creation project funded by Business Finland
Co-creation -project funded by the Business Finland. During this stage, research organization is creating new research idea, which has chances to proceed as collaboration project (co-innovation) with suitable companies. This project, eFINGERS, aims to develop a virtual facilitator for personalized brain health promotion and dementia prevention. Neurocenter Finland has main responsibilities for the proposal preparation and the principal investigator is Associate Professor Alina Solomon (MD, PhD), and the project is coordinator Annalaura Jokiniemi (MSc). During Co-creation –stage the necessary research and company collaboration network will be built.
If you are interested in collaboration, you may contact Alina Solomon (https://uefconnect.uef.fi/en/person/alina.solomon/) or Annalaura Jokiniemi (https://uefconnect.uef.fi/en/person/annalaura.jokiniemi/). You can also visit Neurocenter Finland website (https://neurocenterfinland.fi/).
News in the web site of Neurocenter Finland about the starting of this project
Business Finland has granted Co-creation funding for the University of Eastern Finland and the e-FINGERS project. The aim of the Co-creation phase is…
Supporting Staff
3 items-
Multidomain Interventions to Prevent Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer's Disease, and Dementia: From FINGER to World-Wide FINGERS
Rosenberg, A; Mangialasche, F; Ngandu, T; Solomon, A; Kivipelto, M. 2019. The Journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease -
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Ngandu Tiia, Lehtisalo Jenni, Solomon Alina, Levälahti Esko, Ahtiluoto Satu, Antikainen Riitta, Bäckman Lars, Hänninen Tuomo, Jula Antti, Laatikainen Tiina, Lindström Jaana, Mangialasche Francesca, Paajanen Teemu, Pajala Satu, Peltonen Markku, Rauramaa Rainer, Stigsdotter-Neely Anna, Strandberg T, Tuomilehto J, Soininen Hilkka, Kivipelto Miia. 2015. The Lancet -
Dementia: Risk prediction models in dementia prevention
Solomon Alina, Soininen Hilkka. 2015. Nature reviews neurology