Economic impacts of second home tourism
Czarnecki, A., Sireni, M. & Dacko, M. (2020) Second-home owners as consumers of local food. International Journal of Consumer Studies. DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.12610
Czarnecki, A. & Sireni, M. (2018) Vapaa-ajan asumisen taloudellinen merkitys maaseutukuntien pysyville asukkaille. Maaseudun uusi aika 26:1, 5-18.
Czarnecki, A. (2018) Going local? Linking and integrating second-home owners with the community’s economy. Polish Studies in Economics, Vol. 9. Berlin: Peter Lang Gmph.
Czarnecki, A. & Sireni, M. (2017) Second-Home Owners’ Spending Patterns in Rural Locations: Some Evidence from Finland and Poland. In: Popescu G., Istudor N., Boboc D. & Andrei, J. (eds.), Competitiveness of Agro-Food and Environmental Economy: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference CAFEE 2016, 53-62. Publisher Editura ASE.
Czarnecki, A. & Sireni, M. (2016) Tuovatko vapaa-ajan asukkaat rahaa kuntaan? Tutkimus kysyntään vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Kunnallistieteellinen aikakauskirja 44: 3, 37-56.
Other group members
Adam Czarnecki, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland) [email protected]