Elina Hytönen-Ng
Senior Researcher
Karelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
elina.hytonen-ng@uef.fi | +358 50 572 7612
Hytönen-Ng is an ethnomusicologist and a cultural researcher, who specializes in the ethnographic study of people’s musical experiences. Her research topic include popular music research (especially jazz), peak experiences related to music, work environment of musicians, musicians’ mobility, sonic environment of reception center, soundscape studies, schools soundscape, the role of sound in shamanic rituals and the meaning of sound in the creation of relationship with the environment.
In her latest research she studies the lamenting tradition and how it lives in the contemporary world, as well as what kind of meanings are give to it and how it is experiences in the body.
The funding for the research comes from KKES, foundation for the promoting Karelian culture, and Kone Foundation.
Research groups
62/62 items-
Hytönen-Ng, Elina. 2024. Musiikin suunta. 46: B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Tutkimuskohteena itkupiiri ja itkuvirren kehollisuus
Kallonen, Emilia; Hytönen-Ng, Elina. 2024. Musiikin suunta. 46: . B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Weeping out Loud: Embodiment in the Contemporary Lament Learning Process
Hytönen-Ng, Elina; Kallonen, Emilia. 2024. Journal of somaesthetics. 2023; 9: 148-162 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Book review: Perspectives on Anthropology of Music and Dance from the British Isles
Hytönen-Ng, Elina. 2023. Suomen antropologi. 47: 109-111 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Lament is like a safe lap
Hytönen-Ng, Elina; Kallonen, Emilia. 2023. Seismograf/DMT. Peer Special Issue: Grief: . A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ringing Tone and Drumming Sages in the Crevice Cave of Pirunkirkko, Koli, Finland
Rainio, Riitta; Hytönen-Ng, Elina. 2023. Open Archaeology. 9: . 20220328 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
”Miulla on vahva perintö Karjalasta” : Nykyitkijöiden suhde karjalaisuuteen Suomessa
Hytönen-Ng, Elina. 2023. Musiikki. 53: 56-86 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bordering Musical Inheritances
Järviluoma, Helmi; Hytönen-Ng, Elina; Pöllänen, Sonja. Teoksessa: Cohen, Sara; Grenier, Line; Jennings, Ros(toim.) , 2022. Troubling Inherintances: Memory, Music, and Ageing. s. 61-80. Bloomsbury academic A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
COVID-19 and British Jazz Musicians: From Preliminal to a Postliminal World
Hytönen-Ng, Elina. 2022. Journal of world popular music. 9: 197–216 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kaksiosainen kokoelmateos suomen sukuisista vähemmistökielistä. Suutari, Pekka (toim.). 2021. Karjalankieliset rajalla
Hytönen-Ng, Elina. 2022. Elore. 29: 191-195 B1 Non-refereed journal articles