FCLab.lukio – Future Classroom Lab for Upper Secondary Schools in Joensuu
01.08.2020 - 31.12.2025
University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty
Tulliportti Teacher Training School, upper secondary education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty
Main funder

Other funders
The FCLab.lukio II project
- develops pedagogy-driven physical learning environment renovations
Contact persons
Johanna Puukilainen
Full-time teacherTulliportti Teacher Training School, basic education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Jaana Räisänen
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, upper secondary education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Jaana Tanskanen
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, basic education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Johanna Tanskanen
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, basic education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Panu Ojala
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, upper secondary education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Annukka Juutinen
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, upper secondary education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty
The FCLab.lukio project promotes innovative pedagogy, student motivation, and intra-day recovery. It also supports the broad-based competences of the upper secondary school curriculum (LOPS 2021), such as interaction, well-being, environmental awareness, multidisciplinarity, and creativity. The project has several research and industry partners.
Yhteistyötä ja -kehittämistä eye tracking start up-yrityksen kanssa
Verkostoituminen on avain laadukkaaseen yhteiskehittämiseen. Itä-Suomen yliopisto tarjoaa laajan kirjon optiikan alaan liittyvää erityisosaamista,…
Contact persons
Johanna Puukilainen
Full-time teacherTulliportti Teacher Training School, basic education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Jaana Räisänen
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, upper secondary education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Jaana Tanskanen
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, basic education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Johanna Tanskanen
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, basic education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Panu Ojala
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, upper secondary education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty -
Annukka Juutinen
LecturerTulliportti Teacher Training School, upper secondary education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty
Other group members
Joensuussa lisäksi Panu Ojala
Suomen FCLab-tiimi koostuu noin 40 harjoittelukouluverkoston kehittäjäopettajsta.