Formations of hybrid manhood in the experience economy (EXMEN)
Main funder

EXMEN research project investigates working life transformation by studying the work of male influencers. Previous research on men, masculinities and work has left a gap in how men perform gender and how differences and inequalities emerge between them in the digitalised experience economy. To become an influencer does not require any specific background, however the resources required to become one are not within everyone’s reach. This may entail increasingly flexible, cameo-like and culture-sensitive practices or it may just as well call for reinforcing performance of masculinity that is considered toxic. Thus, formations of manhood become exclusive and unequal. In the EXMEN project, we analyse how manhood is performed and constructed. Theoretically, the project draws from the notion of hybrid manhood consisting of combinations and entanglements of different femininities and masculinities. The project employs qualitative methods (interviews, netnography) to investigate the socio-material nature of social media influencers’ work. The project adds to previous research on work, gender and manhood by applying and further developing critical theorisation on manhood and masculinities in the post-industrial working life.
Please, access the information for the research participant- document (in Finnish) by using the link.