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Geospatial Health´s Profile image

Geospatial Health

Research group
Finished 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2023
Introducing image of the groupGeospatial Health

Researchers Maija Toivakka, Mikko Pyykönen, Aapeli Leminen and Teppo Repo (Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, University of Eastern Finland).

Project: Improved knowledge base and service optimization to health and social services (IMPRO)

Efficient allocation of health and social care service delivery work package of the IMPRO consortium studies the prevalence and incidence, quality of care, health care and travel costs, accessibility and optimization of health care services for key patient groups with chronic conditions, especially for the health care district of Siun sote in North Karelia. The aim is to develop methods and general tools for supporting the health care services. The project utilizes different datasets: geospatial data, electronic health records from the regional patient information system and national registers for social welfare and health care services. The project is funded by the Strategic Research Council at the Academy of Finland. The funding for the project spans years 2018-2023.

More information:
Twitter @StnImpro


  • Prof Jarmo Rusanen (Geography Research Unit (GRU), University of Oulu)

  • Prof Tiina Laatikainen (Public Health, UEF)

  • Docent Miika Linna (HEMA Institute, Aalto University)

  • Assoc Prof Eric Delmelle (Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC, U.S.A)

    Tutkimusjohtaja (osa-aikainen) UEF:ssä

  • Dr Program Director Elena Rovenskaya (ASA Program, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria)

  • Faculty Affiliate Paul Henkel (School of Public & Community Health Sciences, School of Social Work, University of Montana)
