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Adolescent psychiatry

Research group
01.01.2017 -
Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences


The Goals of Our Research

Our group’s main focus of interest is the psychological and physical well-being of young people and the interaction between these two aspects. We also study the ways and reasons why young people use drugs and alcohol, as well as possible interventive and preventive strategies.

Our most important partners are the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), the Departments of Public Health and Pharmacy at the University of Eastern Finland and the Departments of Radiology and Clinical Physiology at Kuopio University Hospital. Our research group belongs to the collaboration network of Neurocenter Finland

Would You Like to Work with Us?

We may have positions for those interested in completing their master’s or doctoral thesis or post-doctoral research in some of the group’s focus areas. If you are interested in working with us, you can contact Tommi (tommi.tolmunen (at)




Doctoral Researchers

  • Major research interests
    My PhD dissertation on systemic metabolic alterations in adolescent psychiatric outpatients considers metabolic alterations associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) and chronic depression, traumatic life experiences and prodromal psychotic symptoms. Serum samples from the patients are analyzed with ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UPLS-MS).

    In addition, I am interested in the connectivity of the brain, cognition, brain imaging with magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

    Other interests
    Outside science, my interests are in arts, music and sports. / UEFconnect, ResearchGate

  • Major research interests
    I am investigating the relationship between resilience, psychological inflexibility and depression in adolescent outpatients. I am particularly interested in common psychological processes behind psychiatric conditions.

    Other interests
    My other interests during leisure time include sport, reading and going to cultural events. I especially enjoy classical concerts.

  • Major research interests
    My PhD thesis focuses on bullying and its long-term physiological and psychological impacts in adolescents’ wellbeing. This study will explore the association of bullying activities and the need for health services among adolescents. My study aims to help mitigate bullying and its associated health effects in adolescents. Apart from bullying, my research interest is mainly in adolescents’ health and wellbeing.

    Other interests
    In my free time I love to read, listen to music and cook. My favorite hobbies are travelling and dancing.

    Selected publications

    Manisha Hamal, Virve Kekkonen, Siiri-Liisi Kraav, Petri Kivimäki, Marja-Liisa Rissanen, Jukka Hintikka & Tommi Tolmunen (2023) Depression and dissociation mediate the association between bullying victimization and self-cutting, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2023.2222698

    Hamal, M. (2022, November 9-12). “Self-cutting in bullying victimized adolescents is mediated by depression and dissociation” (session 9). European Public Health Conference. Berlin, Germany, November 2022.

    Subedi S, Hamal M, Kaphle HP. Sexual harassment in the hospital: are nurses safe? Int J Health Sci Res. 2013;3(6):41-47.

    Hamal M, Susma KC. Hygiene, health problems and socio-cultural practices: What school girls do during menstruation? Int J Health Sci Res.2014;4(4):28-33.

    Hamal M, Neupane S, Rimpela A. Risk factors of cyberbullying and its association with perceived health among Finnish adolescents. Submitted for publication in international journal ’Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies’.

    , ResearchGate, Email: hamal.manisha07 (at)

  • Major research interests
    My PhD dissertation, entitled “Effects of long-term alcohol use on neurophysiological functioning in adolescents” focuses on how 10 years of alcohol use from adolescence into early adulthood affects the developing brain, especially neuropsychological and neurophysiological function. The latter is investigated with a modern, non-invasive method known as TMS-EEG (transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with EEG registering).

    Moreover, my research explores the association between GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) ergic function, cortical activity and attention. My studies seek to deepen our understanding of the pathophysiology of alcohol-induced brain alterations, especially during the crucially important developmental “sensitive period” of adolescence.

    Other interests
    When it comes to my non-neuroscientific hobbies, my Spanish waterdog takes me for relaxing walks on a regular basis (and also takes care of my oxytocin levels). I am also an enthusiastic, if impatient, handcrafter.
    UEFconnect, ResearchGate

  • Major research interests
    My current paper is entitled “Gender diversity is associated with alexithymic features in the general population of adolescents.” This study will explore whether alexithymia is associated with being gender diverse and will peek into other factors associated with gender diversity. After this article, I aim to continue my research with a PhD thesis in psychiatry, and will hopefully continue to do this research on gender diverse youth.

    Other interests
    Psychiatry is not my only passion, even though I do spend a lion’s share of my time discussing it with my peers. I also love to travel and eat and travel so that I can eat. I enjoy long talks with friends, abundant breakfasts and have a longstanding infatuation with owls of all shapes in sizes.
