Motivational multicomponent lifestyle intervention as a supportive treatment for depression in primary health care
DEPKuopio – Health and Recovery is a multidisciplinary research that aims to examine whether a motivational multicomponent lifestyle intervention as a supportive treatment for depression has effects on recovery from depression, mental well-being, health-related quality of life, or physical health in a primary health care setting. To examine the cost-effectiveness of the intervention is an important study aim as well.
Participants are recruited in primary health care services in the Kuopio region. The study is a randomized controlled trial. The study intervention is a multicomponent lifestyle intervention that targets exercise, diet, and stress management and, is conducted by motivational interviewing. The intervention consists of individual appointments and telephone sessions over a period of three months, and is carried out in cooperation with Savon Sydänpiiri. The participants in the intervention group also receive treatment as usual for their depression. Control treatment is treatment as usual for depression.
The study will be carried out in collaboration with primary health care services (Wellbeing services County of North Savo), University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University Hospital and University of Oslo.
Post-doctoral Researchers
Anu Ruusunen
Clinical LecturerInstitute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Ari Voutilainen
Research ManagerInstitute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
Doctoral Researchers
Other group members
Soili Lehto, LT, Professori, Kliinisen lääketieteen yksikkö/Psykiatria, Oslon yliopisto