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Education and Nature-Based Solutions: enable society to bend the curve for biodiversity´s Profile image

Education and Nature-Based Solutions: enable society to bend the curve for biodiversity

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026
Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
Centre for Continuous Learning


Main funder



Contact persons

Project description

In response to the increasing need for cooperation in learning skills/capasity development for environmental sustainability, including biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions (NBS) learning and teaching, eNaBlS will set the basis of networking and collaboration with a view to promoting transdisciplinary dialogue and further embedding and unfolding NBS concepts and approaches within universities and vocational schools, the professional sphere and society at large. eNaBlS envisions the creaction of 7 Living Labs to epitomise an integrative approach that includes all ‘voices’ and leaves no one behind.

Collecting a variety of input and welcoming plurality of values and knowledge, the goal is to mainstream biodiversity and NBS in higher education and TVET (Techinal and Vocational Education & Training) by developing and upscaling new forms of teaching, learning and capacity-building that are more relational, system-orientated and applied.

This should be achieved through multi-actor collaboration and a whole instituition approach (WIA) – universities become their own Living Labs – that spans the curricula, pedagogy and didactics, professional development, institutional practices school/university-community relationships and instititutional ethos, vision and leadership. Doing so implies working together across silos, sectors and epistemologies as well as a paradigm shift in education and the development of sustainability competencies.

The ultimate objective is for eNaBlS to contribute more generally to

  1. the advancement of a Nature Positive Society through the necessary transformative change of communities, business models and lifestyles, and, specifically,
  2. put biodiversity and climate on the path to recovery responding to the objectives of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 and the EU climate adaption strategy.

Work packages

The project consists of the following work packages:
WP 1: Understanding current biodiversity and NBS positioning
WP 2: Providing support to Living Labs throughout the eNaBls lifetime
WP 3: Living Labs in Action
WP 4: Impact Assesment, Replication & Recommendations
WP 5 & 7: Dissemination, Communication, Exploitatation and Sustainability
WP 6 & 8: Project management


  1. University of Hohenheim (UHOH), Germany (coordinator)
  2. Wageningen University (WUR), Netherlands
  3. University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Finland
  4. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria
  5. Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Lithuania
  6. Association for European Life Sciences Universities (ICA), Belgium
  7. 3s Research & Consulting (3s), Austria
  8. IDEA Training (IDEA), Greece
  9. Center for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH), Institute for Bio-Economy and Agri-Technology (IBO), Greece
  10. FOCUS Strategic Thinking Consultants (FOCUS), Greece
  11. Bioeast Hub (BIOEAST), Czech Republic

