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Ensuring a Good Life in the Rural -network´s Profile image

Ensuring a Good Life in the Rural -network

Finished 01.08.2021 - 30.06.2024
Karelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies


Contact persons

The network ”Ensuring a Good Life in the Rural” (HYMY) implements the national rural policy program 2021-2027, and acts as part of the Rural Policy Council (MANE) and carries out the tasks assigned to the Council. The key work is to support decision-makers on cross-cutting and strategically important rural policy issues through a network-based approach and partnerships.

The network implements the following themes of the national Rural Policy program 2021-2027:
– The smart adaptation strategy for shrinking areas
– Promoting access and accessibility of social and healthcare services
– Developing everyday security in rural
– Strengthening community action for well-being
– Strengthening participation and communality in rural areas.

The network will focus in particular on shrinking areas in sparsely populated rural, rural heartland areas and local rural centers. The network also takes into account the increased multi-locality of people and the opportunities and development needs it brings to rural areas.


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