ESPON QoL - Quality of Life Measurements and Methodology
Main funder

The objective of this ESPON activity is to receive answers to the following key policy questions:
• How does the concept and measurement of quality of life differ in meaning at different scales
(national, regional, local)?
• What are the territorial dimensions of quality of life? How does quality of life relate to economic
growth, the environment, governance, social aspects? What territorial patterns can be identified?
• How can we measure people’s quality of life at different geographical levels? What territorial aspects
(such as demography, economy and social and cultural issues) play a role in assessing and measuring
quality of life?
• What are possible common indicators, which allow a comparative measurement and how can
measurement can be adjusted to different types of territories (by for example allowing for different
weights for various dimensions of quality of life)?
• How can quality of life aspects be better integrated in territorial development strategies at different
geographical levels? How, at which territorial scale and to which extent can spatial and environmental
measures contribute to the enhancement of quality of life?
• What are possible processes/good practices for the development and choice of quality of life
measurements, especially with regard to increasing ownership and the aspects of multilevel
governance and results orientation?
• How could quality of life be better integrated in Cohesion policy at European level and in territorial
development strategies at national, regional and local levels?