Guidance expertise and professional agency
Main funder
The project studies the guidance skills of professionals in two contexts, in the practical teaching of social work and in the specialization training of occupational health physicians. Workplace guidance has a key role in learning how to become a professional at work. In the project, guidance skills are analysed in connection with training and development processes. We study how guidance skills are learned; a concept for guidance training and a tool for assessing guidance skills are developed for the professional fields.
From UEF
professor Sanna Vehviläinen (leader), university lecturer Ulla Nuutinen (career guidance)
professor Tuula Oksanen, university teacher Marianne Rytköne, clinical teacher Elina Ruotsalainen (training of occupational health)
In collaboration with:
university lecturers Rosi Enroos and Arja Jokinen, Tampere University, Social work
principal lecturer Tarja Juvonen (Laurea University of Applied Sciences)
clinical teacher Asta Antila (University of Helsinki, Dept of Public Health