Hundred Sweden Finnish and Tornedalian linguistic autobiographies
Main funder

”Hundred Sweden Finnish and Tornedalian Linguistic Biographies” is a project that collects linguistic biographies of Finnish and Meänkieli-speaking people living in Sweden through interviews. The methodology of the project encompasses linguistic and ethnological analyses. The project combines scientific and artistic aspects: In addition to the interviews, some of the interviewees will be photographed. As a result of this project, we will organize a touring exhibition. The first exhibition will be held in the Gällivare konstmuseum in Sweden on the occasion of the Day of the Sweden Finns 24th of February to 11th of March 2023.
The five-year project started in August 2021. The project is funded by Foundation for Cultural Exchange between Finland and Sweden (Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland) and the municipalities of Jällivaara and Kiiruna. Partners in the data collection are Svenska Tornedalingars Riksförbund – Tornionlaaksoaiset and Suomi-kerho (Finnish Club) in Jällivaara. The partner for processing and storage of the data is Kielipankki. Partners in organising the exhibition are Gällivare konstmuseum and Tornionlaakson museo – Tornedalens museum.
Kolu, J. (2022): Språkideologiska processer i narrativa samtal – en nexusanalys av två flerspråkiga ungdomars lingvistiska livsberättelser. In Lepistö, K., R. Kosunen, & E. Risto (Eds), Humanisten med många roller: En festskrift till Paula Rossi på hennes 60-årsdag. (pp. 225-242). Studia humaniora ouluensia 18. University of Oulu. (Open access): jultika.oulu.fi/Record/isbn978-952-62-3364-2
Kolu, J. (Forthcoming). “Dcominget ska få synas och höras” – meänkieli i uppsving i två unga tornedalingars lingvistiska autobiografier. In: Milani, T. & Salö, L. (Eds.), Sveriges nationella minoritetsspråk – nya språkpolitiska perspektiv. Studentlitteratur.
For further information, please contact Jaana Kolu, jaana.kolu(at)uef.fi, tel. 050 472 8276.
Project website
Images on website: Pauli Raitaniemi