This research group focuses on research on multidisciplinary teaching and learning, including crafts. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), its concept and forms of implementation, is a particular research area. The participants of the research group represent the different disciplines of STEAM, as our expertise covers science, technology and engineering, technology education, home economics, arts and crafts and mathematics. The research team includes researchers from different stages of the research career. We conduct research as a team and in collaboration with other stakeholders in both national and international networks.
Currently we are involved in the following international STEAM projects
The Finnish-Uruguayan partnership for fostering STEAM approach in teacher education
Digital learning in STEAM pedagogy for the Equity of Education
International STEAM week at UEF
Sirpa Kokko
ProfessorSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty -
Hille Janhonen-Abruquah
ProfessorSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty
Senior Researchers
Johanna Rämö
University LecturerDepartment of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology -
Lasse Eronen
University LecturerSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty -
Kari Sormunen
Senior University LecturerSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty -
Anssi Salonen
University LecturerSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty -
Henriikka Vartiainen
Senior ResearcherSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty
Doctoral Researchers
Päivikki Liukkonen
Doctoral ResearcherSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty -
Anne Posti
University TeacherSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty
Other group members
Manner Jori