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Towards a longitudinal model of eco-innovation adoption: A cross-national study (LOMO-ECO)´s Profile image

Towards a longitudinal model of eco-innovation adoption: A cross-national study (LOMO-ECO)

Finished 01.10.2017 - 31.12.2021
Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

LOMO-ECO is an Academy of Finland funded project (2017-2021) that focuses on three wood-based eco-innovations – biofuels, textiles and plastics. The main objective of this project is to explain the slow diffusion of eco-innovations by developing and testing a longitudinal model of eco-innovation adoption.


A problem frequently encountered by eco-innovations is their slow diffusion into markets. This study aims to explain the slow diffusion by developing and testing a longitudinal model of eco-innovation adoption. Four tasks explore the influence of consumers’ values on 1) social acceptance of eco-innovations 2) communication and opinion leadership 3) product attribute preferences 4) innovation adoption. Study combines theory from business and forestry science and uses a hybrid method approach to analyze data from three countries. Results have national and international relevance, increasing knowledge on how to 1) promote broad levels of public approval for eco- innovations 2) focus marketing efforts in order to increase their rate of adoption 3) support public policy in minimizing barriers to adoption. Research is conducted by University of Eastern Finland’s Business School and School of Forestry Sciences, M.S Swaminathan Research Foundation, India and Wageningen University, Netherlands.

