In our group, we study death, which is the existential and inevitable event of life, in the context of immigration and transnationalism. We look at death from three perspectives. First, we focus on care practices and social policy, asking how immigrants die and how they care for the dying. What does actually happen in multicultural end-of-life care and what is required of it? Does care change in the context of immigration and transnationalism? Second, in terms of cultural research, death provides a fruitful basis for exploring the formation of identities in present-day Finland, where transnational networks and landscapes are common and mundane. Which deaths are considered relevant and remembered? Which deaths are forgotten and why? How are different deaths represented? Third, history research provides perspectives that allow us to question the nation-state’s heroic or sacrificial ways of remembering ”their own” and forgetting the deaths of “others”.
Olga Davydova-Minguet
ProfessorKarelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Pekka Metso
ProfessorSchool of Theology, Philosophical Faculty
Senior Researchers
Post-doctoral Researchers
24 items-
Desires for past and future in border-crossings on the Finnish-Russian border
Davydova-Minguet, Olga; Pöllänen, Pirjo. Teoksessa: Helms, Elissa; Pulkkinen, Tuija(toim.) , 2023. Borders of Desire: Gender and Sexuality at the Eastern Borders of Europe. s. 144-161. Manchester university press -
Russian-speaking immigrants' vulnerable transnational family lives on the border: the case of North Karelia
Pöllänen, Pirjo; Havukainen, Lauri; Davydova-Minguet, Olga. Teoksessa: Laine, Jussi P; Rauhut, Daniel; Gruber, Marika(toim.) , 2023. Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe: Renegotiating Remoteness. s. 77-92. Edward Elgar -
Spiritual well-being correlates with quality of life of both cancer and non-cancer patients in palliative care - further validation of EORTC QLQ-SWB32 in Finnish
Goyarrola, Raimo; Lipsanen, Jari; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria; Suviranta, Raili; Rahko, Eeva; Lamminmäki, Annamarja; Klaavuniemi, Tuula; Ahtiluoto, Satu; Ohvanainen, Antti; Metso, Pekka; Pöyhiä, Reino. 2023. Bmc palliative care. 22: . 33 -
Special issue: Looking at Russia’s images from the Finnish border
Davydova-Minguet, Olga; Pöllänen, Pirjo . 2022. Barents Studies. . Lapin yliopisto -
The unbearable lightness of everyday border: Meanings of closeness of the border for Russian-speaking immigrants in the Finnish border area
Davydova-Minguet, Olga; Pöllänen, Pirjo. 2022. Barents Studies. 7: 59-79 -
Turvapaikanhakijoiden arjen materiaalinen niukkuus sekä kännykän luoma tuttuus ja turva välitilassa
Sotkasiira, Tiina; Pöllänen, Pirjo. 2022. Elore. 29: 48–69 -
‘Sacrament of (Be)longing’: Analysis of Finnish Lutheran and Orthodox Christian Eucharistic Practices amid Absence and Estrangement
Ahonen, Talvikki; Mikkola, Sini; Kallatsa, Laura; Metso, Pekka. 2022. Exchange: journal of missiological and ecumenical research. 51: 39-60 -
“Maybe we’ve gotten a little better against them”. Russian speakers’ positionings in racializing “migration crisis” speech
Davydova-Minguet, Olga . 2022. Barents Studies. 7: 80-101 -
Mediated Mobility and Mobile Media: Transnational Media Use among Russian-Speakers in Finland
Davydova-Minguet, Olga; Sotkasiira, Tiina; Oivo, Teemu; Riiheläinen, Janne. 2019. Journal of Finnish studies. 22: 265-282