Hilla Inkilä
Doctoral Researcher
World Views behind Forest Policy: Doctoral Thesis on Visions of Nature and Forest Policy in the E...
School of Theology, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 432 2256
In my doctoral thesis in practical theology, I examine the forest policy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland from a Visions of Nature perspective.
The study has been funded by Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation. Donations and foundation fusions are an important part of the effectiveness of the Foundation’s operation for the public good. Further information: www.mmsaatio.fi.
RED (Religion, Ecology & Diversity) – Interdisciplinary Study of Religion and the Environment. For more information, please see: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/religion-ecology-diversity/.
Research Collective of Finnish Forest Museum LUSTO for Human-Forest Relationship. For more information, please see: https://lusto.fi/tutkimus-kokoelmat/metsasuhteita/verkosto/.
The Finnish Society of Forest Science & Human-Forest Relationship Research Club. For more information, please see: https://metsatiede.org/en/clubs/human-forest-relationship-research-club/.
Karelian Theological Society. For more information, please see: https://www.karjalanteologinenseura.fi/.
6 itemsKeywords
4/4 items-
Koronaviruspandemian vaikutukset elämän merkityksellisyyden kokemuksiin keväällä 2020
Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria; Inkilä, Hilla; Oviedo, Lluis; Anthony, Francis-Vincent; Seryczynska, Berenika; Roszak, Piotr; Torralba Albaladejo, Josefa. 2021. Diakonian tutkimus. : 7-34 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Models of Cosmotheandric Life-experience in the Face of Coronavirus Pandemic: Empirical Research in the European Context
Anthony, Francis-Vincent; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria Katariina; Inkilä, Hilla; Oviedo, Lluis; Torralba Albaladejo, Josefa; Roszak, Piotr; Seryczynska, Berenika. 2021. Salesianum. 83: 551-579 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Religious capital as a central factor in coping with the covid-19: clues from an international survey
Seryczynska, Berenika; Oviedo, Lluis; Roszak, Piotr; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria Katariina; Inkilä, Huila; Torralba Albaladejo, Josefa; Anthony, Francis-Vincent. 2021. European journal of science and theology. 17: 67-82 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Seurakuntien digiloikassa työ säilyi merkityksellisenä - yhteisöllisyyttä jäätiin kaipaamaan
Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria; Inkilä, Hilla; Palmi, Noora. 2021. Teologia.fi. : - E1 Popularised article, newspaper article