Department of Geographical and Historical Studies
Borders and peripheries Due to past and present transformations in economies, communities, lifestyles, welfare, environment and government, societies and their borders have become porous. The study of these changing physical and non-physical borders and perceived peripheries in contemporary and historical perspective is a growing field of global importance and interest. The three key concepts in research on borders and peripheries used in the department are governance, identities and cross-border interaction. Environment and sustainability Environment, sustainability and their governance processes are aspirations for research at the department. We explore the interconnections and resilience of human societies and natural systems by focusing on mining, forests, land use, food, human-animal relations, climate change, and renewable energy. Well-being of society The historical and contemporary search for a sound society is at the centre of this research line. We question how well-being services health care, education and leisure time have been, are and should be organised in a society, critically examining the ever-increasing competition and benchmarking in this regard and encouraging the study of and comparisons with practices elsewhere and in different time periods.