Investigative and enabling art
The activities of the project include presentations and publications, Encounters in Art -seminars, and organizing workshops and bigger and smaller gatherings enabling networking between the different parties of research, art, and public services. The very heart of the project is the Able Art Group concept of community art and dance, led by Minnamaria Hirvonen. Able Art Group is a series of performing groups with varying themes and compositions of participants. The researchers of the project have also participated in the groups as dancers and ethnographers.
For further information on Encounters in Art seminars and the project itself, see our website.
Paulasto, Heli (2020) Sanastollista luovuutta ja kieltenvälistä vaikutusta yhteisötaideryhmän lingua franca -englannissa [Lexical creativity and cross-linguistic influence in a community art group’s English]. In Leena Kolehmainen, Helka Riionheimo & Milla Uusitupa (eds). Ääniä idästä: Näkökulmia Itä-Suomen monikielisyyteen. Helsinki: SKS, 74-113.
Paulasto, Heli & Logrén, Anna (2020) Negotiating membership and participation across languages in performative community arts. In Heli Paulasto & Sari Pöyhönen (eds), Kieli ja taide – soveltavan kielentutkimuksen ja taiteen risteämiä. Language and the arts – creative inquiry in applied linguistics. AFinLA-e. Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia 12, 139–162. https://doi.org/10.30660/afinla.84567
Pöyhönen, Sari & Paulasto, Heli (2020) Kieli ja taide. Lähtökohtia, menetelmiä ja tulevaisuuden suuntia [Language and the arts. Starting points, methods and future directions]. In Heli Paulasto & Sari Pöyhönen (eds), Kieli ja taide – soveltavan kielentutkimuksen ja taiteen risteämiä. Language and the arts – creative inquiry in applied linguistics. AFinLA-e. Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia 12, i–xx. https://doi.org/10.30660/afinla.90774
Other group members
Minnamaria Hirvonen [email protected]
Merja Pennanen [email protected]